64. Freya's Fury

233 7 2

Pairing: Klaus/Tyler (M/m) belt, hand

"As a teenager you are at the last stage in your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you."
― Fran Lebowitz

Mikaelson Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Tuesday, May 23, 2011


Klaus poured Elijah another finger of amber colored cognac and laughed, "So you were feeling a little bit of, what should we call it, Freya's wrath?"

Elijah took the tulip-shaped sniffer and downed it. This caused Klaus to roar with more laughter. He refilled it quickly.

"I'm glad you find it amusing, Brother," Elijah snapped. "You were the one that gave me the damn tube of salve."

Klaus pushed the now refilled glass towards his elder brother and then held up his hands in defense.

"I did not know. Freya's been a little off this week. She's getting like you, doing everything for everybody and not taking care of herself. I am...."

Klaus made a few and then waved off his last comment.

"Not sure I agree with that assessment, Niklaus." Elijah took a sip of his drink and pressed, "What? Just say it. It's just us here."

Klaus nodded, "Just between us, I am surprised that Keelin puts up with it."

Elijah smiled, "You mean you think our sister-in-law ought to take her in hand a bit. I don't know about that. I don't imagine that entered her head."

"I'm not so sure. Keelin didn't look best pleased when you mentioned the salve mix-up to me in front of her. And Freya got that new boy, the doppelgänger, so worked up she had to make him unconscious, lest he fled this compound for his very life. That was a bit shocking," Klaus confided. "Not our business, though."

"No, it is not. But speaking of business," Elijah said. "I spoke to Marcel about his purchase in town. The ice cream shack, was it?"

"I believe they call it the 'ice cream parlor.' Marcellus is quite excited. He offered my boys a chance to work there, if they were so inclined to apply," Klaus grinned. "I hope they do."

"That was thoughtful of him," Elijah said. "And also a boon for us. I know the ladies signed up a good deal of the children up for summer activities, but there is not much out there for the teens to do. I hate to see them sprawled over the great room throwing popcorn at each other making a mess. I know they are on break but they still find excuses not to do their chores!"

Klaus groaned, "Tyler again? My young wolf is going to cause me to lose my temper. Do not get me wrong, I am happy about Caroline, but he does test the patience..."

Elijah nodded, "I told him that if he leaves the house one more time without doing his share, I was going to go after him and drag him home."

Klaus laughed and poured himself more drink.

"I bet he didn't like that! I hope he didn't give you too much lip," Klaus added.

"No, he didn't. I just got the silent treatment before he huffed off. If my backside hadn't been throbbing so hotly myself, I would have given him a dozen with the ruler," Elijah admitted with a laugh.

"I'll check up with him first thing tomorrow, Brother. If I can bloody find him," Klaus vowed.

"In truth, Matthew has been slipping and Erik as well. But a gentle reminder seems to work for those two-mostly," Elijah revealed. "Connor and Kai have been doing the lion's share of the chores, covering for the others. They think I don't know."

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