53. Been a While

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Pairing: Klaus/Kai-Matt-Erik (M/mmm) ping pong paddle

Older Boys' Room

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Saturday, May 20, 2011


Matt had gotten up to use the bathroom early and then came back to go back to sleep. But when he returned, Kai was back. Erik was sleeping soundly. Connor was gone, probably to finish the play house or do some other project he was working on.

"Hey," Kai said casually.

"Hey, where did you sleep?" Matt asked, getting back in his warm bed.

"I slept in the boys' room. Joey has been having nightmares cause Lukas has been trying to scare him. He woke up like twice crying," Kai recounted. "You ask me, that kid needs his ass beat. I know he's my little brother, but he gets away with too much."

"'Cause he's cute. That lisp and that crooked ass grin. It gets to your heart." Matt agreed, "Yeah, but let me guess, we're going to be the ones to get our butts torn up."

Kai looked at Matt, "Yup. I think your dad is coming up to 'deal' with us. I guess my moms' don't want to see my hairy ass anymore."

Matt twittered, "That ain't you...but freaking Tyler. Nah, I'm just fucking around. Look, man, about yesterday..."

Kai held up a hand, "I know you didn't mean it. You were drunk, man."

Matt felt the back of his neck and his ears burn. He held, "That's no excuse. I shouldn't have said that shit. I'm sorry."

Kai nodded, "Me, too. My Ma said that I could have screwed up your hand more if I healed you then."

"Yeah," Matt said, holding up his hand. "She told me the same thing. But she checked it out and they healed me. Did you know they have vials of everyone's blood?"

Kai nodded, "Yeah, we have your dad's blood around, too. Like in case a vamp gets a nice, little bite."

"Huh, I guess that is one advantage to me being human," Matt mused.

"Matt, there are a lot of advantages to being human. I mean, you can't hold your liquor worth shit, but this hunger...It never really goes away. If I didn't drink all this disgusting animal blood, I would probably lose control of it. And the emotions, it's like a lot," Kai finished.

"Yes, but you guys heal and are so much stronger. Sometimes I can't help, but get a little jealous," Matt insisted.

"You know, I might never grow old and die, but I also won't ever have kids," Kai said.

"Yeah, but we are all adopted. Look at Aunt Rebekah and Marcel...Dude, I guess we have to agree to disagree," Matt persuaded.

"True," Kai said. "I'm going to take a shower before our ass whupping. Your dad will probably smell the pot and cigarette smoke all over us."

"Hey, I didn't smoke yesterday," Matt persisted. "Not that it matters. I'm pretty much dead. Should we wake up, Erik. That little troublemaker..."

Kai flushed, "Yeah, he really followed my lead when I started up with the cop. Not the smartest thing to do."

Matt reckoned, "True, but none of us were exactly in a good state of mind."

They woke up Erik and got into the group shower.

Erik yakked about the party and the boys got into a talc battle with Matt's athlete's foot powder.

Klaus came in, "What in the devil are you lads doing?"

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