47. Tyler's Helping Hand

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Pairing: Klaus/Tyler (M/M) helping hand paddle

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

Friday, May 19, 2011

Kol had gone over to the main house to get Rosie and Joey to take Sadie for a walk.

"I want to see kitty," Rosie said with enthusiasm.

Kol picked up the curly haired red head and tossed her in the air.

"What about Sadie? Should we just throw her in the pool? Or maybe we should toss you in, Rosie Red?" Kol laughed.

Joey hopped up, wanting to be picked up, too. "My turn! My turn!"

Rosie giggled and shrieked. Kol put her down and hoisted Joey on his shoulders. The new pool was almost done. It had a water slide and a hot tub area and was more expensive that Elijah imagined. Klaus had asked Kol to take care of the construction.

The trio made their way into the guest house. Sadie was running around outside, off her leash. Georgie was making coffee and Marcel was sitting at the island.

"Marcellus?" Kol blurted out in surprise.

"Hey, man. I thought I'd stop by so we could talk," Marcel said, taking a sip out of the mug Georgie put in front of him. Rosie ran up and told Marcel about the cat and he acted shocked. Georgie gave Kol a puzzled smile. It was very easy for a vampire to smell that animal.

Kol mouthed, "He is jesting." Georgie still looked confused. Kol got the impression that she wasn't very comfortable around children. Aaron appreciated that she didn't talk down to him and treated him as a peer. She had been showing him some simple songs on the guitar.

Georgie gave Joey a piece of toast. "Mate, your moms just fed you breakfast!" Kol teased.

"I'm hungwry..." Joey said, with his mouth feel.

"Georgie, can you look after this ramble and maybe find Cade for them? I'm going to show Marcel something in the yard," Kol fibbed.

"Ah sure, come on, kids. First one to find Cade gets...another piece of toast," Georgie tried. The kids laughed and followed her.

Marcel grinned, "She's great, but ah, don't know how long we should leave her alone with them."
The two vampires walked back out the doors into the yard.

"Aye, I don't think she has much experience with tots," Kol agreed. "How are ya recovering? We haven't had a skelping like that since what, 1915 or so?" Kol quipped.

"You mean, together like that? I don't even want to remember or repeat it. Elijah doesn't hold back," Marcel added.

"Nor does Niklaus! He is the bloody hybrid after all. Damn it, I had to tell Georgie I fell on me arse!" Kol exclaimed loudly. He looked back towards the house to make sure she hadn't overheard.

"So you two are intimate?" Marcel prodded.

"Aye, I tried not to take advantage of her since she turned, but she insisted on having her way with me. She's a strong one, Georgie," Kol admitted.

"Yeah, I can see that. Um, Kol, I just wanted to say that I am sorry about the whole vase thing. I never should have taken it out of your things. The truth is, I took it when you were still in the coffin," Marcel frowned, ashamed of himself.

"Nay, it's fine. You know, I always wondered how Nik managed to get our bodies out from New Orleans," Kol mused.

"He had your coffin, Finn's and I guess your mother's moved to a secret location at some point. They were not in the basement where they had been. I guess sometimes his paranoia was justified," Marcel revealed.

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