96. Stefan's Car

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Pairing: Ric/Bonnie M/f(hand, flyswatter-off screen mostly) & Jenna/Elena (F/f) hand, hairbrush

Prompt begun for Bellamagic22. There will be a part 2. Credit for the Elena antics goes to Jazmine F. Thank you!

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Salvatore Boarding House

June 10, 2011

One Week Later


Stefan yawned and got out of bed. He could hear Damon and Enzo squabbling about some toy in the hallway. He had to get up for summer school. Ric was driving them both.

"Elena, wake up. It's time to go back to your room," Stefan whispered. Most mornings, Elena just slipped into Bonnie's room and slept for a few more hours as her room was right next to the staircase. It was a little safer than going the extra feet to her room.

"Uh, I don't wanna. Can't you skip?" Elena teased, slowly opening her eyes.

"I'm actually enjoying the computer class this time around. I've been playing around with Ric's old laptop and getting a hang for it. Did you know it's all binary code? Ones and zeroes," Stefan said as started to strip for the shower.

"I don't care. Do you want me to, um, wash your back in there?" Elena suggested, still in bed.

"Babe, I'm glad you're not pissed at me still, but I really don't want to get you busted. The way you have been arguing with Jenna, ah, I don't think it would go well for you," Stefan said, putting on his robe and coming over to sit on the edge of her bed.

"Are you sure it's not your own behind your worried about? You have been quite the suck up this last week. 'Ric, let me vacuum. You go chill with the kids,'" Elena pointed out.

Stefan pursed his lips and nodded, "Hey, you get a whipping like the guys and I did and you see how much you want to mouth off. Speaking of, kiss me. I've got to go."

Stefan puckered his lips and shut his eyes playfully.

Elena laughed and kissed him tenderly. She rubbed his arm and groaned when he got up to go into the bathroom. She pulled on her clothes and tiptoed downstairs into Bonnie's room.

"There you are," Bonnie croaked. "I was ready to text you. You are pushing it, lady. The boys and Jenna and Ric are already up and moving around."

Elena sighed and got into bed by her best friend.

"Bon, isn't it bad enough that we are on house arrest? We should be able to have a little fun around here," Elena complained. "I mean, even Caroline is out and about now...And she was just turned. This is just getting way old."

"Well, until we can figure out who has Stefan and Silas' doppelgänger, you are in danger," Bonnie pointed out. "It's just not safe, Elena. Please, didn't Jenna say if you weren't already housebound, you'd be grounded?"

Elena fumed, "Yeah, where does she get off being so...mom-like? It's not fair. All I did was tell her to chill out and lay off of me. I don't have an attitude problem...She does."

"Um, maybe since she actually became a mom? Elena, she's worried about you. Can't you go easy on her?" Bonnie asked.

Elena flicked Bonnie lightly on the ear, "Would she go easy on you if she found out that you used witchcraft to make your dad buy you that car?"

Bonnie hissed, "Oh, you swore you would never bring that up again? Plus, it's not like I can drive it this summer...It would be nice to go to the lake today. Jer said he and the guys are going around noon. I think Ty and Caroline are going right after summer school is over."

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