78. Rogue Witches

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Pairing: Freya/Davina-Jo-Dana-Rachael (F/ffff) hand, beach paddle

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
― Arthur C. Clarke

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

Basement Level 4 Lab

Early Evening

Sunday, May 28, 2011

"Sister, how goes it with the...wolf thing, or whatever it tis?" Kol asked, as Freya exited the glass cell.

"I have him in deep sleep, almost as deep as I can go without frying his brain," Freya explained, shutting the glass door firmly. "Or putting him in a dirt nap, if he can even die, that is."

Kol peered again at the unconscious man and sighed.

"What do you know about these bloody Strix?" Kol pressed.

"Just what you know. They can be helpful and...Mikael is apparently with them now," Freya said, not looking at Kol.

Kol put his hand over Freya's. "It's okay, you can talk about him in front of me. I know it's different for you. And remember, Mikael didn't try to off me until I was a vampire."

Freya smiled ruefully at Kol's attempt to make things less awkward.

"I know. I just hope that we can figure out what they did to Mason. Mikael could help but we haven't heard from him in months. Not since that whole Bayou wolves battle against the Guerreras," Freya mentioned. "I feel like we are operating in the dark here. This Trinity, or whatever it is, has been combining magic with science for probably centuries. They have the advantage."

Kol squinted and indicated the wall of computers. "I don't know. We are catching up pretty fast. Sure, I wish we would have been able to devote more time to this kind of thing but instead we engaged in politics and letting Nik play the King of New Orleans. Not sure how far that got us..."

Freya adjusted some knobs on a circuit board. "Well, that somehow kept you all safe from Father, I mean, Mikael. Come on, let's go eat. Plus, I have some naughty witches to deal with."

Kol had heard about the antics at the ice cream parlor from Freya earlier. Marcel had called her and she told him that she and Keelin would deal with their girls and Davina. Marcel was going to bring over a bag Rebekah packed for her when he came for dinner.

Kol laughed, "Hey, I was a bit of rogue witch myself at one time. You won't be too hard on them?"

Freya pushed her younger brother lightly. "Stay out of coven business, mister. They know the rules. Marcel was one step ahead of them, though."

"Aye, I will not meddle, but tell me, you've never done the same. I mean, clean with a quick restoration spell?" Kol prodded, grinning.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, little brother. I-I...," Freya begun. "Shit. I just did when I went into the boys' room. It stunk like a foot in there!"

They entered the elevator. Kol laughed again. "Well, I guess there is another witch getting a hiding tonight. Are you going to tell Keelin or am I?"

Freya elbowed Kol and said, "Fine. I'll tell my wife the truth."

"You better," Kol pressed.

"But then maybe you should tell Niklaus you are cherry picking his favorite blood bags. Don't think I didn't see you in the kitchen the other night, young man," Freya smiled triumphantly.

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