44. Curses from the Past

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Pairing: Klaus/Marcel (M/M) hand

Elijah/Kol (M/M) hand, belt

Request begun for FFENKRH M from FF.net(will be continued)

"Some people see their blessings as curses. Some see their curses as blessings."
                                                                                                          ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

New Orleans, 1917

Kol ran his thumbs up and down from his suspenders. He put on his jacket and flashed his cuffs. He was planning to go to Algiers to meet a contact, who was selling a cursed object. Kol had been collecting dolls, jewelry, painting, and even musical instruments that people said cause others to do horrible things. He had a witch and a medium who would then analyze the items to see if there was anything they could use.

Klaus knocked on the open door. "Going somewhere, Brother?"

"Ah, aye, I have a meeting with an old friend in the city. Won't be long? Need anything?" Kol asked casually. He put on his hat and turned to his elder brother.

"Nay, just checking in on you. Elijah and I have a faction meeting today. Rebekah has a charity event," Klaus informed him. "You are not up to anything nefarious then?"

"Oh, just trying to make a dagger to put you into a slumber for a few centuries," Kol quipped jauntily. He lit a cigar and waved Klaus off as he headed to his motor car.

Klaus called after, "Very amusing. Don't be late for supper tonight-again."

Kol snickered. Things had been tense in the house. The wolves were at the gates, the humans jumpy, the witches scheming, and the vampires as untrustworthy as always. Nik was becoming more paranoid, even against his own family. With Marcel absconded to Europe to join the war effort, the family was falling apart. Kol felt like his days were numbered. This vase could be the key to unlocking the power of a dark object that could protect him and his family.

Hours later, he purchased the supposed cursed dagger, doubtful as to it's usefulness. But he noticed an old looking vase, off to the side.

"What is that, mate?" Kol asked the boy wrapping the dagger.

The boy bowed his head in fear, "Nothing, sir. It is evil." He clutched the gris-gris good luck pendent around his next.

The older woman who owned the small stall shooed him off, "Go, cher. I got dis. That is the Basano vase. It is not for sale."

Kol looked at the vase again and blinked. The metallic colors on the surface seemed to shift and morph. The deep purple swirls became silver and black.

"Why? I would get you much coin for it, madam," Kol uttered.

"The legend said that it was made out of silver in the 1400s near a town in Napoli, Italy. It was for a bride, but she was slain before she wed, with this very vase in her hands. As her blood dripped on the vase, she swore a curse against any who loved. As it passed down the bride's family line, anyone who fell in love died. It comes with a note that warns the owner to beware of love, as it only brings sorrow and blood," The woman finished sadly.

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