26. All Cleared Up

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Pairing: Klaus/Tyler-Connor-Jeremy-Matt-Erik (M/mmmmm) hand, paddleball paddle

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Pairing: Klaus/Tyler-Connor-Jeremy-Matt-Erik (M/mmmmm) hand, paddleball paddle

*Collaboration with Phoenix_Queen via email regarding Kol's love interest. (TBC)

**Dedicated to FFENKRH M on ff.net for mentioning Klaus and the boys. He almost did not check this bedroom today:)

**Big thanks to on ff.net for clarifying a plot error that has since been corrected.

Appreciate feedback and requests from all readers. Thanks for sticking with this story and family! 

Saturday, May 13, 2011

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

Dana's behind was still aching an hour after her mom had used that wicked game paddle on her. She knew Rachael was still out and wasn't in the mood to confront her yet. Dana headed up to the boys' room. She knew they would be either playing video games or getting ready to play basketball. Sometimes she caught them throwing the football around the room and jumping over couches like a bunch of maniacs. They had put in surround sound speakers and Dana could feel music thumping as soon as she got off the elevator.

"Hello, darling. You headed into that mess? Get yourself some earplugs. I've already hollered at them three times," Kol smiled as Dana approached the boys' door.

"You look nice, Uncle Kol. Hot date?" Dana teased. Kol was wearing a black leather jacket and had his hair spiked up. She could smell a spicy aftershave and he had a bit of a spring in his step.

Kol looked uncertain if he should answer the question, but then spoke up," Aye, the lass goes by Georgie. She's a bit of a jokester, a tad edgy. But don't tell anyone, I want to drive your mum crazy with not knowing!"

Kol had been taking care of Aaron in the dungeon level and had asked Elijah and Vanessa to look after him while he was gone, now that Elijah was healed from his sickness and up and about again. Freya wasn't sure if her detox concoction worked, so they would wait until tonight to question him further.

"Ah, I see. Well, have fun," Dana grinned.

Kol nodded, "I intend to. Don't wait up, luv."

"Uncle Kol, it's like 1:40pm," Dana laughed.

"Like I said, don't wait up," Kol called out. "Behave yourself!"

Dana pounded on the boys' door and walked in. She found Jeremy, Erik, and Tommy playing some shooting game as music blared from the speakers. She didn't know how anyone with heightened senses could stand it.

Tyler and Matt were playing tackle football as Kai looked like he was studying. Connor was writing down something on a piece of paper.

"Jesus, it's so loud in here!" Dana yelled to Tyler. "Can we go in your room and talk?"

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