22. A Light in the Treehouse

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Pairing: Kol/Connor-Tyler-Tommy-Dana-Davina (M/mmmff) hand, switch

Jenna/Damon (F/M) [Requests for Elenalovly (not completed), joffrey, and prehensileone]

Thursday, May 11, 2011

Mikaelson Mansion

Back Yard

Before Midnight

Kol grabbed Sadie's favorite little football and the frisbee and walked outside. It was warm and the moon was almost full.

"Go on and run, girl. We'll play in a minute," Kol said, patting his furry friend on her golden head. He was so happy to be back here. He missed Josh and the new vampires he had gotten to know, but he had missed his family more.

Kol spotted the lights on in the treehouse. It was situated behind several large tree so if someone looked out, they would miss the lights. The kids were not good about turning off things. Kol usually didn't care, but he had already reminded them several times to turn off lights and televisions when they left the room.

Kol vamped up to the top of the tree house without climbing the ladder. He was about to open the door when he heard voices.

"What? They paddled you at school? I thought that was illegal," Kol heard Tyler say.

Connor laughed, "It's Louisiana, dumb ass. It ain't here. Things are a little different there. Maybe not for the worse either. You don't have gumbo here!"

Tyler went on, "Come on, man. It's freaking weird..."

"They don't force you. You could wuss out and take a suspension or detention," Conner said.

"It ain't usually that bad, unless you get it like five days in a row like Ollie did. That one should have just taken the vacation days. He got lit up good," Tommy admitted.

"I'd do that," Tyler professed.

"No, you wouldn't," Davina said. Kol was shocked, Davina was in there, too. He had assumed it was just the boys. "I got paddled."

Dana squealed, "Shut up. You did not!"

"Yeah, and my mom did it the first time in the school office. It was like months ago and I've been pissed ever since," Davina laughed.

"But you got them back!" Dana blurted.

Davina hissed, "Stop, Dana. It's a secret."

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Dana gulped.

Connor questioned, "What is a secret?"

Tommy moaned, "Spill it, sis. I know you done something. Here, this went out. Light up another one."

Were they smoking? Kol could smell a faint scent, but it was windy. He listened for the heart beats and thought it must be Tyler, Connor, Dana, Tommy, and Davina inside.

Davina sighed loudly, "So after my mom beat my butt at school and told the school they could also do it, I got paddled like a couple of times. Mostly for being late. I started working on a spell. With the help of my friend Kaleb, who also gave me this weed, I made a spell where I could give my parents suggestions when they were sleeping. So I started doing, 'Davina is too old to spank.'"

Tommy spouted, "What about me? You just left my ass on the line."

"I didn't know if it would work. So I had to test it," Davina admitted.

"And you did that on the jet?" Tommy prompted.

"No, the day before I was talking back and my mom said I was going to get it at bedtime. I did the spell and all of a sudden, I just got a talk-to and bam! Now, my ass is golden," Davina shouted. "Here, it's your turn."

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