40. Off the Bus

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Pairing: Ric/Stefan (M/m) hand

Klaus/Connor-Erik (M/mm) paint stick, hand

Request fulfilled for Katniss22 for Cami/boys scene. Plot input from Phoenix_Queen about Aaron/Connor-Erik incident.

"My dear young cousin, if there's one thing I've learned over the eons, it's that you can't give up on your family, no matter how tempting they make it."
― Rick Riordan

Tuesday, May 16, 2011

Salvatore Boarding House


"Wake up, Stefan!" Enzo hollered. Stefan opened one eye and then close it quickly. Enzo was jumping on Stefan's double bed. "Jenna said you are going to be late for school."

Stefan opened both eyes and groaned, "So what? It's the last week. Screw finals."

Enzo inhaled sharply, "You said a bad word! I'm telling. You'll get another spankin'."

Stefan leaped out of bed and tried to catch Enzo.

"Someone ought to spank you, you little menace. Now, get out of here," Stefan yelled. Enzo laughed, took an old baseball glove off the shelf and scampered off. "I'll get the bat later!"

Damon was lingering over by Stefan's desk, digging through it.

"I feel like I webember this," Damon said, picking up Stefan's diary. "It's hard to wead, though."

Stefan grabbed it, "That is not for you read, brother."

Damon looked at Stefan, "Sowee. I'm just bored. I wish I could go to school."

"Oh, you will, Damon. Believe me, Ric and Jenna are big into school. So you better hurry up and grow up...because school sucks!" Stefan proclaimed. He shouldn't be this tired because Stefan had been put to bed early, right after he got his second spanking of the day. Though he had had some late night visitors.

12 hours Earlier

Jenna had looked around in wonder as she entered the boarding house. She had picked up Elena here before, but now they were going to live here.

Ric brought in Sommer's carseat and Stefan followed up with Grayson. Even for a vampire, the carseat, with the baby in it, felt heavy. Living with Elena's family had made it difficult for Stefan to do enough hunting of small or large game. Now that he was home, Stefan could, once again, find enough animal blood to sustain him. He promised himself he would start tomorrow. He was tired and still sore from the paddling Ric had given him for that stupid computer class. His behind felt warm and itchy. Stefan wanted to beg Bonnie for something to counteract the effects of the anti-healing cream, but he was ashamed to admit he had gotten a spanking. He didn't think Bonnie ever acted up in front of Ric and Jenna before.

Elena gushed, "This is beautiful. Stefan, did you pick out bedrooms for us?"

Stefan put down the carrier and nodded, "Ah yes, I had the cleaning service air out the east wing. There was plenty of old furniture in storage...If you don't like something, we can change it out. But you girls can pick out any room you like, as long it is okay with Ric and Jenna."

Elena and Bonnie squealed and went to pick adjoining bedrooms.

Damon and Enzo began running around in a game of tag. Ric yelled at them to not break anything, but they quickly disappeared. All they heard was, "Got ya!" echoing throughout the other side of the house.

Jenna took out Sommer and began to nurse her. Grayson was cooing and Jenna gave him a toy to occupy him.

Ric and Stefan went to check the kitchen. Damon had always had a delivery service bring food every week. Ric asked Stefan if he knew about how all this was paid for.

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