85. Teak

206 2 0

Pairing: Cami/Klaus (F/M) hand, wooden spoon

*This was an anonymous request from FF.net.

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

Basement, Level 2

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Tyler grinned widely and tried to turn away before Caroline saw him, but he wasn't fast enough. They had just come out of the "shower" though neither teen vampire had done much washing in there.

"What? What's that look for, bub?" Caroline purred, slipping on her undergarments.

"Nothing," Tyler smiled, as he shrugged up his own shorts. "It's just, um, that was...nice."

"Nice? Really, that's all you have to say? Tyler, I had no clue that it could be like that. I am still hungry for blood, but that really helped," Caroline admitted.

Tyler laughed, "Yeah, I'd say. There are definite benefits to being a vampire. Shit, Care, I know we talked about you taking the cure from Penny and going back to human but..."

Caroline shrugged into her pink tank top.
"There's no rush, right? I mean if the angels can get control of me again, who knows what I will do? How about we have another blood bag and just rest a little? Watch a movie? I'll call Elena and Bonnie later," Caroline suggested.

"I like that plan," Tyler said, he leaned over and kissed her again.

She put a hand on his bare chest and kissed him back.

"Guys? Hello!" Matt hollered.

Tyler grunted and Caroline fixed her shirt hastily.

"So much for vampire hearing," Caroline groaned.

"Guys? Hey, you missed dinner! I brought you some pizza and breadsticks," Matt announced loudly. The blond human seemed to be in good spirits. Although Connor had brought a t.v. and hooked it up earlier, they hadn't had any visitors since their moms had left. That left them plenty of free time. The adults wanted Caroline to be monitored and away from humans until she got her vampire hunger under total control.

"Matt, that smells so...gross! Ugh, I might puke," Caroline replied. The food smelled almost awful to her. All that garlic!

Tyler whispered, "It's the breadsticks. It gets better, Care."

Tyler stood and accepted the tray of food.

"Thanks, man," Tyler said. "You couldn't smuggle us some brews?"

Matt guffawed, "Fuck you, bro. I ain't getting my ass in a sling so you can get wasted."

Caroline smirked, "What if I got you that number for Zoey Hersh? Didn't you think she was kinda cute?"

Tyler had filled Caroline in about Matt's mom appearing as a ghost and she had immediately started to think of ways to cheer him up. It had been a long time since he had a girlfriend. Really, almost since Elena broke up with him two years ago...Zoey might be just the ticket. And if Caroline had to have Tyler compel her, so be it.

Matt's eye brows lifted. "Hell, yeah, but didn't she have a boyfriend?"

"He was cheating on her. She's on the rebound. I think she only dates college boys or football players, but you were one so..."

"I'm joining the team again next year," Matt offered. "She's probably out of my league, but if you think you can arrange it? I'll get you guys whatever you want."

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