17. Out of your Element

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Pairing: Elena/Stefan (f/m) paddle

Gilbert-Saltzman Residence

Wednesday, May 10, 2011

Soon everyone stirred and woke up and Elena and Jeremy were in a daze.

"Jer, did some derelict angels just try to get us to join the dark side?" Elena breathed.

"Dude, that was weird. Oh God, I gotta get home. My family could be in danger!" Jeremy shouted.

"Jeremy, we are your family, too. You can't leave," Elena said.

Stefan found Elena. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, we're find. Are the babies okay?" Elena said. "Bonnie?"

Bonnie crawled up on the couch, "I'm fine. Babies are crying. I guess that is a good sign!"

Stefan looked out of the house, "They are gone. Bonnie, can you lift the spell?"

"Stefan, I'm not lifting anything until we know more about what is going on, okay? Chill out," Bonnie snapped.

Damon came in, "Ric and Jenna are trying to get the twins down. Bonnie's right. Let's just hold tight. The Mikaelsons can hold their own."

Jeremy bit his lip and was texting his family, "Yeah, we have a safe room and, you know, siphon witches and Aunt Freya....plus, a bunch of Originals. They are going to be fine."

Damon nodded and patted Jeremy on the shoulder, "I'm proud of you, buddy. You are really growing up." Bonnie and Jeremy headed to the kitchen to make some tea.

Stefan took offense to this, "And what? I'm a baby because I want to get the hell out of here. Maybe you need another ass beating, Damon? You are turning into a wimp."

Elena was horrified, "Stefan, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Stefan ventured, "Nothing. I just need some air. Not to be trapped in here with all of you!"

Damon and Elena exchanged a look. Damon granted, "You haven't fed, have you, Stef? You need your bunny blood..."

Stefan was busted and he knew it, "I meant to, I just wanted to see Elena and never took the time. It's not that big of a deal, Damon. Just let me out to feed."

"No, we can't," Elena said. "Stefan, can you take a few drops of my blood?"

Stefan balked, "No, I could turn into a ripper again! Damon, tell her."

Damon said, "Maybe Elena has a point. You are never going to be in control of your blood lust until you get control of it. Leaving isn't safe now. Just try a few drops. That won't throw you over the edge. There is no animal blood here. You are getting pale and irritated. You won't heal and next you are going to be weakened."

"Fuck you, Damon. You have no idea what it's like to be a vampire who can't drink real blood, even from blood bags," Stefan fired back.

Damon vamped to his baby brother and gripped his arm, "Maybe we need to try Ric's paddle on the seat of your pants. Worked for me."

Elena wedged herself between the two vampires, "Damon, let me take the paddle to him this time up in my room. I think he needs a good, long session over my lap. I think that will convince him to follow the rules and listen to others, who have his best interest in mind."

Stefan was horrified, "No! Elena, Damon, I don't need a spanking. Just because I got a little testy doesn't mean I'm starving. Give me another chance."

Elena rose to her full height and lowered her voice, "Stefan Salvatore, march yourself up to my bedroom and take off those pants. I want you in the corner with your hands on your head thinking about what behavior led you to have to get a spanking like a small child. Now, move!"

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