65. Unintended Consequences

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Pairing: Klaus/Tyler (M/m) ping pong paddle

"Fear makes come true that which one is afraid of."
― Viktor E. Frankl

Mikaelson Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Wednesday, May 24, 2011


"Son, wake up. I fear we've been sleeping for hours," Klaus yawned. He felt groggy.

Tyler moaned, "Dad, my ass, I mean, my butt, is burning still."

Klaus raised an eyebrow. "I bet. I was pretty hard on you. But you've been crusin' for a bruisin', as they say."

"Ugh, Dad, please don't ever say that again. Did you bruise my...?" Tyler asked, turning to look at his rear. Then, he remembered that new salve was on him and his dad had replaced his briefs. His butt felt hot and achy in a way he hadn't felt since before he activated his werewolf gene.

"No, Son, I didn't and I wouldn't," Klaus promised. "No, you go have a blood bag and then get upstairs and start your chores."

"Okay. Am I really grounded from electronics for a day?" Tyler moaned. He wanted to check in and call Caroline. He wasn't planning to share that he just got his ass busted, but he needed to talk to her.

"No, you are on restriction until we see an improvement in attitude and your responsibility. With this big party coming up, your Uncle Elijah updated our duties. We all have a few extra. You know the adults here cannot do everything ourselves," Klaus reminded him. "And the older boys are done picking up the slack for you."

"I know. It's just last summer there was a maid and we didn't have to do much," Tyler said, painfully getting up. "Sometimes I miss it when it was just you, Jer, Matt, and me. You know?"

"Yes, in those days you boys ran a tad wild, hmm? Breaking things, partying, and fighting each other. Actually, I don't miss those days," Klaus joked. "And remember what happened with that housekeeper? She tried to kidnaps you boys. And you broke that t.v.!"

"Oh yeah, who can forget being kidnapped. And when Jer and I got in a fist fight and broke the t.v. It was like one flat screen and you'll never let us forget it," Tyler grinned. "That was the first time you paddled me."

"Yes, I recall. That was the day I realized how much I had fouled up with my own brothers. Seeing you and Jeremy fighting, it triggered feelings I had suppressed. Because of you two, I got my brothers back," Klaus said, he reached over and hugged Tyler to him. They stayed like that a minute.

Then, Tyler tried, "So you were joking about paddling me again before bed?"

Klaus lightly spanked Tyler three times on his briefs. Slap. Slap. Slap. Tyler gasped and twisted away. Klaus clarified, "No, I was not. Now, go before I give your stinging rear a good preview. Put your pants on."

Tyler grimaced, "Owww, Dadddd", but then quickly obeyed. His burning rear would not let him press his father harder to be let out of his follow-up spanking.

Rebekah and Marcel's House

"So you like that color scheme?" Davina asked, eagerly.

Rebekah grinned, "I love it. It is perfect. Davina, you are really good at this."

"Better than Georgie, I bet," Davina pressed.

"Honey, she also has some great ideas, too. I feel like Georgie knows how to throw a party and this wedding is going to be amazing. I could not have done this all on my own," Rebekah gushed. She was feeding Mirabelle and had Annabel in a bouncer nearby. The nurse was changing Isabelle inside. The two were out on their patio, getting some sun. It was a perfect summer day.

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt