101. Another Hot One

290 4 0

Pairings: Cami/Klaus (F/M) hand, paddle

Elijah/Finn (M/m) hand, paint stick

Mikaelson Compound

Saturday, July 30, 2011

One Month Later

Cami and Vanessa laid out by the pool watching the younger kids splash around. Klaus was on baby duty and Elijah was in town on business.

"I'm glad that Marcel and Rebekah finally got their honeymoon," Cami said. "Can you imagine how long they have been together?"

"No, I really can't. Wonder how they are doing with the triplets?" Vanessa asked.

"Uh, not sure. I mean, it was nice of them to take the twins and Aaron...but also with three nannies. It sounds kind of hectic," Cami laughed. "Too bad Jo couldn't have gone...But I think she has that college class another week or so."

"Yeah, but Elijah said that house in the Bahamas is big so hopefully they will have fun," Vanessa replied. She saw Georgie coming.

"Georgie, I thought you said you were staying home," Cami called out.

Georgie held up a bottle. "Nope. Kol and Silas are coaching and I was alone."

"It's so hot. Wonder how the kids are doing at practice. Danny didn't want to go but Elijah promised to get ice cream from Marcel's place if she went. For the whole team...," Vanessa shared. "Actually, Finn didn't want to go either. That might be on us because we kind of talked him into it, thinking he would change his mind. Newsflash, he didn't."

"Kids. They literally stink and...never mind." Georgie said, "I'm going to get glasses."

Cami laughed, "Penny didn't want to go either. I swear these kids are all spoiled rotten around here. When I joined a team, I never fussed about going to practice. They act like they are going to boot camp."

Vanessa agreed, "I know. They were so big on joining the team until they realize they have to work at it. Elijah is stopping by the field after he goes by the Grill. I guess we are officially owners now."

"Oh, nice. I told Penny she either goes or I am throwing her ipad away. She yelled at me, turned, and ran to Klaus. I told him that she threw a shit fit. I swear if one of the boys would have acted like that he would have hit the roof...," Cami complained. "But he sweet talked her into going somehow. Now, I look like the evil stepmom."

"Oh, are no such thing," Vanessa replied. "But like I said, Danny can work on Elijah like no one else."
"I know. And once they get to practice with the other kids, they have a blast. Shit, I hope I remembered to pack sunscreen...," Cami frowned. "Penny burns so fast."
"I put the spray stuff in the other bag. We're good." Vanessa shouted, "Liv, don't pull her arm like that. You are going to hurt her."
Liv hadn't wanted to join soccer with the others. She was pulling Rosie around the shallow end in a floatable tube.

"Sorry!" Liv called out. She held Rosie as Joey chased them from the stairs.

Georgie came back with three plastic glasses.

"Sangria. Drink up, ladies," Georgie ordered. She sat down on the third lounge chair and pulled off her cover up revealing a skimpy white bikini.

"Whoa, girl. Look at you," Cami teased. "Hot stuff."

"Yeah, well, since I made Kol wear that thong, he ordered me a few new things," Georgie said. She stood and showed the ladies the back of her bikini. It was a thong style that left little to the imagination.

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