13. The Heck with Psychology

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Pairing: Klaus/Erik (M/m) hand, paddle

Mikaelson Mansion

Wednesday, May 10, 2011


Bus Ride to Mystic Falls High School

Tyler grumped, "I can't believe we have to take this fucking bus again. This is...humiliating."

Matt smirked, "What is humiliating having to take a shower with you ever morning and see your hairy ass bright and early."

Tyler punched Matt lightly on the arm, "I gotta admit, it's a lot quicker, though. That group shower."

Dana scowled and said across the aisle of the back of the school bus, "Do you guys always have to be so gross?"

Kai was behind her and flicked her ear, "Yes, we do. We're guys, so sod off."

Rachael snickered and said to Dana, "Sod off? Next he's going to start talking in a fake British accent like Uncle Kol."

"Shut up, Rachael. You're always such a bitch," Kai fired back. He was a little embarrassed that Rachael called him out on mimicking Kol. It had just slipped out.

Jo usually spent the bus ride reading in the back, but she moved up two seats at a stop sign.

"What's going on? I can hear you two bickering from the back?" Jo asked Kai and Rachael.

"Nothing, Jo. Go back and study. Isn't is time for the MCATS?" Rachael snapped. Dana laughed.

"Ha, very funny. I have to go to college first. Now, for the second time, what's going on?" Jo said.

Kai spat, "I can't stand her. No one can."

Rachael flushed and went to punch Kai. Dana pulled her back, "Rach, it's not worth it. Just let his lame ass go."

Jo scolded, "You know, we spent years at odds, fighting for our lives. I finally thought, you know, we could come together and actually be a real family. But all you guys do is criticize and make fun of me and each other. At some point, you need to grow the hell up."

Tyler raised his eyebrows and stayed quiet. It reminded him of a sharp comment that Caroline would make. Kai shook his head slightly and crossed his arms, Rachael smirked.

But Dana agreed, "You are right, Jo. In a couple of years, we'll all be scattered again. We should try not to be assholes, you know?"

Rachael rolled her eyes and looked at Jo, "That's impossible for some of us. However, I will try if Kai will stop being a dick about everything."

Kai shrugged, "I don't think I am, but whatever. I am good to try."

Jo was satisfied, "Good. Does anyone know when Jeremy is coming back? Maybe we could hang out at the tree house tonight?"

Connor called over, "I think tomorrow maybe. He's helping Ric with some kind of research or something."

Gilbert-Saltzman House


Ric hadn't found anything in the literature about this Order of the Celestial Dawn, but he had gone to Whitmore College with Damon to find out more. Damon was able to compel several people in the science department, but none of them seemed to know anything. Then, they found out that the wife of Mr. Wheeler, the high school art teacher, worked at Whitmore. She was in the theology department. Damon didn't dare to compel her, nor Ric question her, but they did break into her office after hours. Ric found a file of names that seemed to be in code and a series of maps with esoteric symbols all over it. Ric was having Jeremy isolate and copy down each symbol. It all had to mean something. They would not have thought there was a connection aside from the fact that the file folder was a golden color and a little rising sun was stamped on it.

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