73. B Pos

194 4 0

Pairing: Klaus/Penny (M/f) hand, paddleball paddle

Mikaelson Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Saturday, May 27, 2011

"You did what?" Vanessa asked loudly at breakfast the next morning. Elijah, Vanessa, Finn, Henrik, and Danny were inside sitting at the round table in the corner. Sadie was lapping her water frantically as Elijah had just taken her for a brisk run around the property. Elijah had cleaned up most of the outside and skimmed out the pool also.

"I snuck out to see what the older kids were doing at night," Danny mumbled. "Sorry, Mom."

Elijah snapped, "What were you thinking? What if you fell in the pool or tripped? You know how I feel about sneaking around at night."

"Penny was with me," Danny said, finally looking up.

"Oh," Elijah said shortly. "That explains it. She bullied you into coming with her, didn't she?"

Danny just hung her head and cried. Vanessa gave Elijah a look. He sighed.

He scooped Danny up, though she was too big to be carried. He took her into the great room and sat her on his lap.

"I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean to overreact. It's just the I hate to see you drawn into trouble by your cousin. Did you try to say no?" Elijah asked gently after a moment.

Danny nodded, "I tried. She just won't take no for an answer."

"I know. Her father is much the same," Elijah teased. "But you need to learn to stand up for yourself."

"Am I in trouble?" Danny asked, biting her lip.

Elijah was torn, he hated to punish his daughter for something he himself had trouble doing. Klaus had drawn him into trouble more times that he could count.

"Did you break the rules?" Elijah prompted slowly.

"Yes, Dad. I knew I should say no. I'm so stupid. I don't even know why you let me live here," Danny exploded.

Elijah's eyes grew dark. "Danielle, don't you ever talk like that again. You are our daughter and we would never call you stupid or...have you leave here. This is your home."

Danny sniffed and nodded, but didn't really believe it. "Okay."

"Now, let's go into my office. I think need some time to think," Elijah said. He seated Danny at his desk and got out a notebook. "I want you to write an essay on peer pressure and why you are a wonderful daughter. I'll go get your breakfast. You can finish it in here."

"What if I have nothing to write?" Danny pleaded. Elijah found a pencil and handed it to her. He figured the ten year old with have trouble writing with his Mont Blanc fountain pen.

"If you can't think of all the great things you do, I'll help you," Elijah said with a smile. "Now, get started. Best handwriting, please."

Guest House

Connor ended up sleeping on the bottom of Aaron's bunk bed. Kol had driven Angela home, with Connor in the car. They had a long talk about the whole situation. Kol had admitted to be being impressed with how forgiving Connor had been towards Jo.

Connor explained, "I feel sorry for her. But I think she kinda made up with the twins and Kai. Finally. But I get it, you know how Penny is weird with Erik and me."

"Aye, I know you try, Lad," Kol had said. "You're a better man than me. I bullied the hell out of Marcellus for probably fifty years before I accepted him as a mate. And truth be told, we still fought like hell, I suppose I was jealous."

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz