83. Nursery Blues

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Pairing: Elijah/Kai-Jeremy (M/mm) hand, bath brush

*This is a special request fulfilled for VampireQueen666. Please remember that this is fiction and if this is not to your taste, feel free to skip.

 *Warning for spanking and some aspects of infantilism.

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

Basement, Level 2

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tyler didn't know what to feel. He though Caroline was waking up, but she seemed like she was stuck in a nightmare. Kol said to give her time and when the hunger hit her, she'd rise. He had left Tyler some blood bags for Caroline, but Tyler got hungry and drank them himself during the night.

Klaus had come down to check on him and said he send down more. For once, Tyler didn't get a lecture from his dad. Klaus had thanked him for saving Ansel and his "sacrifice." He knew what Caroline meant to him. Klaus had also brought Tyler breakfast. Tyler ate it, but it tasted like dust to him.

Shortly after Klaus left, Connor came in with Erik trailing behind him. They were each carrying coolers of blood bags.

Connor asked, "Any change?"

"Nah, man," Tyler said. "She's still out. Are those both animal blood?"

Erik stepped closer and looked down at Caroline's pale form. Tyler couldn't help but cover her up to her neck with the sheet.

"Relax. He ain't gonna jump her bones," Connor said, putting the cooler down.

"I know, sorry. I just can't stand seeing her like this," Tyler said.

Erik cleared his throat, "This one is human blood. You know the drill...There ain't as much of it."

"Yeah, that makes sense. How's everyone upstairs? Still freaked out?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, kinda. Kai and Jeremy got into it about something something. Matt is real sad about his momma. Um, that's all I can think of," Connor said dryly. "You want me to stay here with you?"

"No, thanks, man. Dad said my mom and Sheriff Forbes are coming by. You don't want to be here for that. My mom said it wasn't my fault, but it's going to suck to face her mom," Tyler groaned.

"Yeah, the only good part is you don't have to go to summer school now," Erik said. "I mean, we're all on lockdown."

Connor elbowed Erik, "Shut up, doofas. He doesn't care about that. Sorry, Ty, we'll get out of here. Call if you need me."

Erik had the grace to look a little embarrassed and trotted after Connor. Tyler heard Erik whisper, "What'd I say? He know his ass didn't want to go to summer school."

"You're a buttface," Connor said, as the elevator opened and they left.

Tyler sighed and went to get himself another blood bag. He decided he better not push it and choose animal blood.

Caroline made a noise. Tyler dropped the blood bag as he vamped to her.

"Ohhhh, my head," Caroline said. "And my...Tyler? What the hell happened? Where am I?"
Tyler held her hand. "Oh shit, you don't remember anything?"

"No, I was in my room cleaning and...I'm so thirsty! And what is that buzzing sound? It's so loud!" Caroline complained.

"It's the lights," Tyler said. "Um, will you get mad if I tell you to stay calm?"

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