70. Party Prep

184 3 0

Pairing: Kol/Georgie (M/F) hand, playful

Gerard-Mikaelson House

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Thursday, May 25, 2011


Davina came in Tommy's room to find her family sleeping. Tommy was under the covers on his stomach and Rebekah and Marcel were on either side over the comforter. Davina went over to Rebekah's side. She hated to wake her up but the nannies said that Annabelle was hungry again. Rebekah tried to pump enough breast milk so they could have a supply in the freezer, but that was for emergencies.

"Mom?" Davina whispered. She spotted the paddle and felt bad for Tommy. She knew he never would have gotten her in trouble, like she did him.

Rebekah's blue eyes opened wide. "Oh my, I must have drifted off. Are the babies okay?"

"Yeah, but Annabelle is still hungry. And didn't Dad have to go into town," Davina wondered.

"Yes, but I'm going to let him sleep for once. We haven't had a full night sleep for two weeks and might not get one for another few years," Rebekah joked.

Rebekah put an arm around Davina. "Honey, if you're worried about Tommy, don't. He's not angry with you. You did him a favor."

"Really?" Davina asked, as they quietly went into the hallway. "I mean, it looks like Dad paddled him. How could he not hate me?"

"Do you really think it wouldn't have been worse if we found out after he missed his chance to take that math class this summer? Really, you did him a favor. He got punished and now we can move on. Now, I thought you were going over to the main house to help decorate?" Rebekah said.

"Yeah, Dana and Rachael asked me to come over," Davina shared. "The little kids are decorating the cupcakes and making most of the decorations."

Rebekah guffawed, "Oh, the kids are making the decorations. Oh, I bet Elijah is redoing all of them."

Davina giggled, "Nope, Aunt Freya said he's not allowed. He is only in charge of the food. She is in charge of the decorations."

"This isn't going to go well," Rebekah predicted. "Oh, don't repeat this, but my boobs are sore. I know it was a miracle and all, but feeding triplets is not a job for the faint hearted. I'm going to ask the doctor if they can have some formula."

Rebekah rubbed her chest and Davina laughed. "Are you sure you don't need my help here?"

"No, you go, hon. I have two nannies and a nurse to help me," Rebekah said. "And that is a lot more help than most people ever get!"

"We're lucky, Mom," Davina said softly.

Rebekah hugged her gingerly, "Yes, we are. I mean, you have been through a lot, don't forget that. But it makes us who we are."

"Yeah," Davina agreed. "See you at dinner! You gonna make Tommy gumbo?"

"I'm thinking pizza again," Rebekah smirked. She knew Tommy loved gumbo, but it would have to wait.

Guest House

"You're an asshole," Georgie screamed loudly.

Kol's face turned pale. "But luv, the boys need a coach. Elijah, knows nothing about sport. Klaus is too busy. It's a few hours a week. The lads can help me. What is the problem?"

Georgie's shoulders slumped, "I don't know. I just don't like the idea of you running around at night and not being here."

Kol went to comfort Georgie and she shoved him away. "Darling, you are being unreasonable. You are gone helping Rebekah with the wedding. Finn and Henrik are just learning what they are capable of. We cannot leave them unsupervised. They could do a lot of damage."

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