86. The Good Uncle

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Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Erik, Connor, Finn, Henrik, and Lukas were seated at the island. The other kids were piled into the round kitchen table. Keelin and Freya were trying to get everyone situated, but it was chaos. Rachael and Jo had Rosie and Joey in the great room.

"How come they get to get in there and watch t.v.?" Penny whined. Freya glanced into the great room and frowned.

Liv looked up at her mother with big eyes.

Danny said, "Yeah...?"

"Well, we ran out of room in here...I just didn't want to drag everything into the dining room," Freya explained. Penny opened her mouth to complain.
Keelin cut in, "Okay, kids, just this once, go on and eat in the great room. But stop feeding Sadie. She's going to get sick."

Joey squealed and the kids ran into the other room to watch t.v. Sadie stayed under the table, eating food that the kids had dropped.

Erik and Connor helped carry the plates in.

Freya joked, "If Elijah finds out, I'm throwing you under the bus."

"Oh, they won't rat me out. Didn't Jeremy tell us 'Snitches get...'" Keelin recalled.

Kol strolled into the kitchen through the back door. "Stitches. And someone around here always talks. Marcel left me steaks to grill before he and Elijah took off to save the day."

"Oh steak and you forgot to invite us all over?" Keelin said in mock angst.

"No, I most certainly didn't forget because it is a full house over there. Georgie is now changing diapers and Aaron is burping the triplets. Silas is entertaining the lot of them and playing lullabies on the guitar. I did come over to get some blood bags and paper towels. We are out," Kol stated.

"Out?" Freya said with dismay.

"Aye, out? Don't be so judgy, Sister," Kol snarked.

"Kol Mikaelson, you watch your tone with me. I wasn't judging them. I was just thinking that we are running low too. You might have to head to the store," Freda corrected.

Kol blanched. "Sorry, Freya. I wasn't trying to make you cross."

Freya nodded and took a few juice boxes into the great room.

Kol looked at Keelin, "You are letting them eat AND drink in there. Holy hell, Elijah will slaughter the lot of you."

Keelin grinned, "Not if he doesn't find out...And you won't tell him, right? Now, be a 'good lad' and go get some groceries. I actually have a list."

"He always finds out," Kol muttered. "And a list already? He just bloody left!"

Keelin laughed and got him a long list of things needed in town.

Kol looked around. "Where is Nik?"

Keelin shrugged, "Oh, you better get baby wipes, too. And probably diapers."

"So glad that dinky little gas station is open all bloody night," Kol complained.

Basement, Level 2


"Okay, so Erik is gonna stay with you while I'm gone," Tyler explained. "The extra blood bags are in the cooler under the bed. Hide them if any old people come in. Hopefully, I'll only be gone an hour."

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