12. Retirement

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Pairing: Marcel/Davina (M/f) hand, hairbrush

Mikaelson Mansion

Tuesday, May 9, 2011

Danny woke up in the middle of the night with her heart pounding. Where was Ruth? What if Ruth came back for her? She sat up in bed and heard Liv's breath beside her. On the other side of the room, Danny could hear Penny softly snoring. She couldn't go back to bed now, but she didn't want to stay here either. Penny got up and padded to the door in her bare feet. There were not one, but three nightlights in the large room. She grinned at her hot pink toenails, she had never used nail polish before. The older girls had felt bad for Penny getting spanked the night before and let the younger girls hang out with them. Liv had have her older sisters brush her curly hair and then paint her nails, too, before laughing at them for having a 9 o'clock bedtime like the younger kids.

Jo had clarified, "I can still stay up until 10, which is good because I have a physics exam in the morning."

Rachael made a rude face behind her back, "You should be the one in trouble for being a snitch."

Jo stared at her, "Rachael, you brought this on yourself. Don't blame me."

Penny frowned, "Was it my fault, Rachael? I didn't want to get you all in trouble."

Rachael was about to answer, when Dana jumped in, "Pen, it wasn't your fault. We just ourselves in trouble. Now, how about a glitter top coat for your toes."

Penny grinned and nodded. She hadn't told Danny that she had gotten spanked, but Liv had heard from eavesdropping on the older kids about what had happened. Danny wondered how bad it was. A little while after that, Penny's dad had come up to take them to bed. He carried Penny on his shoulders and didn't seem mad at all. Danny felt a little sad until Elijah came in to tuck her in. He told her she could come to him day or night if she needed to.

Danny reached the door knob and froze. She realized that she hadn't had an accident last night. Without Ruth berating her for her accidents, they lessened a great deal. She had argued with Vanessa about wearing a pull-up and won. Vanessa told her it was her choice, but if she needed one, she would have to wear one.

Stepping into the thick carpeting of the hallway was terrifying. It was well-lit, but the house was so large, it felt like a hotel. Danny had only travelled with her step-mother a few times when she was visiting her grandmother.

"Danny, are you alright?" Vanessa said as she walked up to Danny. Danny jumped back in fright. She was carrying a stack of towels and looked concerned.

Danny looked down, she had wet herself. Vanessa saw the darkening fabric of her cotton pajamas and set down the towels. "Oh honey, did I scare you? Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

Vanessa grabbed a towel to put on the small puddle under Danny and went back in the room to get her a fresh set of pajamas. Danny was dismayed to see the pull-up in the pile, but thought this wasn't a great time to argue.

"Sorry," Danny said as she fingered a twist of her black, curly hair. Her latte colored cheeks had a twinge of blush from the shame of what just happened.

Vanessa softly said, "Sweetie, it's okay. You can take a bath in our bathroom. It's huge and you can have as many bubbles as you want."

Danny nodded, but was confused, "But aren't you angry?"

Vanessa turned, "Of course not. Now come on, we don't need to stand in the hallway all night."

Danny followed the slender and pretty Vanessa to her and Elijah's suite. Danny had not been in here before and was awed at the size and splendor of the room. It was decorated in beiges and warm tones and felt very fancy to her.

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