19. Change the Oil

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Pairing: Jenna/Ric (F/M) hand, bath brush

Prompt fulfilled for Elenalovy

Gilbert-Saltzman Residence

Thursday, May 11, 2011


"Okay, kids, big day," Jenna said, as she struggled to buckle the twins into their car seats. "I can do this. I got this!"

Jenna got in her seat and Grayson immediately began screaming.

"Let's sing. Hmm, okay, we can jam to this," Jenna muttered as she tinkered with the radio. After five tries, she found a song Grayson liked and then made their way to Target. Then, Sommer began to wail.

"It's okay. We need diapers and Mama needs new underwear!" Jenna sang in a sing-song voice.

Ric and Damon had taken the car out to get serviced last night after Freya brought her kids to siphon the spell. She came in and talked to the kids about Caroline. Elena and Bonnie were upset, but Freya tried to make it clear that they would see Caroline again. They went back with Freya to check on Tyler. Sheriff Forbes had apparently had her own angel encounter and was doing okay. As well as could be expected.

Jenna got to Target and set up the double stroller. The last time she shopped, she had put both car seats in the cart, but then she could barely fit anything else in there. She ended up leaving the store without buying anything as Sommer had a blow out and Grayson was screaming bloody murder. Jenna wondered what the Mikaelsons were going to do with triplets...She strapped the twins in and then went to pick up a few things. She really couldn't handle a cart so she piled things in the stroller the best that she could. By the time she was done, she was exhausted. A kid from the store helped her out with her things. The diapers were too bulky for her to carry.

"Okay, I'm over here. Let me just start up the car and I will pop the trunk for you," Jenna said to the young sales associate.

"Sure, ma'am," the boy said.

He looked about 15, but Jenna felt like the older she got, the younger everyone else got.

As Jenna went to start her car, the engine made a terrible grinding sound. She tried it again and it died.

"I'm gonna kill him," Jenna growled.

"What me to try, ma'am?" the boy said.

"Sure. Knock yourself out...because I am gonna knock out my other half if he didn't put oil in my car...," Jenna fumed. "No wonder he came home plastered."

"What's that, ma'am?"

"Nothing. I am just going to call my husband," Jenna said through gritted teeth. "While he is still alive."

She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Ric.

"What is it, babe? I'm in class!" Ric answered in a hushed voice.

"My car is dead. I'm at Target with the twins. Dead, Ric," Jenna hissed.

"Oh, um, damn. Let me call Damon and see-," Ric started.

"I don't want Damon here. He's the damn reason my car is dead! Which we will discuss later. Right now, I need you here. I am surprised you even made it to work with the hangover you had," Jenna ranted.

"I'll get a sub. Give me ten minutes," Ric said.

"I'll give you five. And sweetie, don't plan on going back to work," Jenna said in a false, sweet voice.

Mikaelson Mansion

"He looks like you. Thank God!" Elijah teased, as he held his new nephew.

Cami laughed and put her arms around Klaus. She took the baby from Elijah.

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora