11. Like a Mirror

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Prompt fulfilled for klauslovly

Pairing: Cami/Klaus (F/M) reported

Klaus/Penny (M/f) hand

Penny/Klaus (f/M) hand, 4x

Kol/Kai (M/m) hand (play)

"Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in that motherfucker's reflection."
― Lady Gaga

Mikaelson Mansion

Monday, May 8, 2011

"Camille, my love, I can explain," Klaus said as he looked at his beautiful, pregnant wife in alarm. A thousand thoughts raced through his head.

"You don't owe me an explanation, Klaus. I mean it," Cami said grasping both of his hands. He kissed her on the lips and then lifted a hand to brush back a strand of her blond hair. Her face looked a little swollen and he thought she should perhaps be back in bed.

"No, I do. So Penny has been a bit more of a spitfire than we knew. She insulted Freya and they tried to speak to me about it and I accused them of disliking our daughter. Elijah and Freya took offense to that and um, gave me a hiding," Klaus said shamefully. "Freya did an anti-healing spell and they both gave me a proper going-over. It bloody stings."

"Let me see," Cami said flatly.

Klaus pulled down the back of his pants and underwear to let her see his red rear and turned to her. Cami gently touch it and felt it was still warm.

Cami looked at him in sympathy, "Oh Klaus, I'm so sorry. I hate to see you in pain. I know how much you love Penny, but they do, too. And I'm sure they mentioned that she has been getting away with way too much lately?'

"Aye, that was the gist of it. I know they are right, but I am a stubborn git. Camille, do you think less of me?" Klaus asked slowly.

"Of course not. I know you are stronger than anyone and yet you submitted to your siblings. Klaus, that takes a lot of courage. Plus, I know you have come from a different time and place. I cannot judge you by the standards of this age only. I can tell that a great weight has been taken off your shoulders somehow," Cami said.

"You're not disgusted?" Klaus asked in awe.

"Of course not. I'm your wife. I realize that you lived nine centuries before you even knew me. And for all the psychology I know, I couldn't give you what your brother and sister just did right now. Peace of mind, for one. But I can give you a few things they can't. Now, let's go back to bed and let me take care of you for once. I'm going to get some ice," Cami said with a shy smile. "And then we need to talk about our daughter."

Klaus pulled up his pants again and fastened them and followed Cami out of the room. She amazed him more each day.

Bus Ride Home


"You think we're getting extras for missing the bus this morning?" Erik asked Tyler on the bus ride home.

"From Uncle Elijah, yep. I wouldn't be surprised if we get the belt for this. I don't know about the girls, though," Tyler ruminated.

"What did we do that was so bad? Use a secret room and drink alcohol laced blood?" Erik reasoned.

"First of all, we drank nearly all the blood. Secondly, the girls were smoking. Thirdly, it was direct disobedience as we were told to stay outta there. Fourth of all, it was concealed with magic," Tyler started. He sighed.

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