32. A Family Again

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Pairing: Kol/Aaron (M/m) hand, ping-pong paddle

Klaus/Connor (M/m) hand, 3x play

Saturday, May 13, 2011

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion


Klaus was waiting for Connor in the kitchen. Conor sniffed and looked down when he saw his father.

"Sorry, Dad," Connor almost whispered.

Klaus hugged him and let Connor cry into his shoulder.

"Son, it's okay. I am not happy that you broke your grounding and hot-wired a vehicle, but I'm sure you have a good reason," Klaus whispered.

Connor cleared his throat and mumbled, "That's the thing, Dad. I don't. Aaron said he'd give me $5000. I should have told him no, but the guys are..." Connor drifted off and couldn't look his father in the eye.

"What, Son? Tell me, please. I can't help if I don't know," Klaus pleaded.

"The guys are giving me a hard time about making those cutting boards and those paddles," Connor started.

"But I used that old beach paddle on you boys, not one you made. Out of all of you kids, we only used Mom's paddle one time and mine for a few swats," Klaus reasoned.

"Dad, you were a lot harder on us today than usual. I think they just think I put the idea in your head or something," Connor admitted. "They were being babies about it, I guess."

Klaus frowned, "You know, the reason I prefer using a paddle is to avoid being too harsh. I always hated it when your uncle Elijah would take a strap or switch to Kol or Marcellus. I guess it reminded me of what my father used to do to me."

Connor looked up in surprise, his father rarely mentioned his past abuse. He wasn't sure how to respond, but finally said, "You didn't abuse any of us. They are just mad they got in trouble...Kai even gave us healing cream." Connor glanced at Klaus to see what his reaction was.

Klaus smiled, "I know. It's fine. Mom can make those decisions. The last thing we want is for any of our children to suffer. But I also need you all to obey and do the right thing."

"The right thing...Am I in more trouble?" Connor asked.

"Yes, for your punishment, you are not to make any more paddles, cutting boards, or anything that could be used for discipline. And you will help your new cousins Aaron and Tommy fix up their bedrooms and around the house tomorrow," Klaus pronounced. "And you will help Kol fix the vehicle you damaged. And one last thing, actually that's it. I'm not going to thrash you again. I can see how terrible you feel."

"But I was going to make Uncle Kol a funny, new paddle that said,-" Connor started.

Klaus interrupted with a laugh, "Son, no more. Now you go on and get to bed before the other boys destroy your drills and burn up your wood supply. Want me to come up with you and smooth things over?"

"Nah, they will say I snitched," Connor remarked. "Are you really not going to give it to me again?"

Klaus vamped to his son and bent him over slightly. Smack! Smack! Smack!

"There, you got a hiding. And tell them to keep that room sparkling or I'm going to give them all another good one," Klaus said. "I'll be in to tuck you all in. I need to say good night to Penny and the girls."

Connor smiled and rubbed his tender rear. His father, after all, was the Original Hybrid. He didn't smack lightly at all, and no one could argue with that.

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