51. Never too Late

222 3 0

Pairing: Jenna/Elena-Bonnie (F/ff) hand, hairbrush

Thanks to person who wanted this prompt. I did change it a little. Silas storyline is from Jazmine F, but I adapted that a bit.

"It's never too late to have a happy childhood."
― Tom Robbins

Lake Party

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Friday, May 19, 2011


"You wanna what?" Elena scoffed. "Go to Italy? Stefan, are you high? Why are you wearing those weird glasses? And that shirt is butt ugly. Why did you change?"

"Elena, we don't have much time. I have to go home now and get Damon's blood. Don't be alarmed, but there is someone I need you to meet. He's going to be me until I get back," Stefan said carefully. Silas stepped out of the shadows, aside from his flatter hair, he looked exactly like Stefan down to his shoes and leather jacket.

Elena's laugh died on her lips. "Oh my God, you could be twins!"

"Turns out that you are not the only one who has a doppelgänger," Stefan explained. "This is Silas. He is human."

Silas said, "Hey, sorry to meet until these circumstances..."

Elena was too shocked to take his outstretched hand. Stefan led her over to a fallen log and sat her down. Elena was shaky and totally confused. The beer she had consumed with Bonnie earlier, was not helping. It was about to come up.

"Look, my only chance to help Damon is slipping away. I will explain everything later. But you have to help Ric, Jenna, and Damon believe that this is me," Stefan pleaded. "Silas is also in a bad spot and needs some help."

Elena turned and vomited into the leaves. Stefan quickly held back her long, dark hair and frowned at Silas.

"I'm so sorry, Elena," Stefan muttered. "I just need my brother back."

"I just don't understand what is happening here...," Elena moaned. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "And I'm drunk."

"I'll tell you everything later. Hey, is this party getting busted?" Silas worried.

Elena looked behind her, "Oh shit, Bonnie is there waiting for me! She's worse off than me. Go, Stefan. If you are leaving, just leave now. I'll be fine."

Stefan kissed Elena's on the forehead and whispered, "I love you so much, but I have to do this for Damon. I'm going to head to the house and get something. Please, Elena, just trust me. Go on, get Bonnie."

"Like I said, we'll be fine. Go, but I'm expecting a very nice gift from Italy," Elena called as she ran stumbling back to get her best friend.

"You got it," Stefan replied, but he wasn't sure she heard him. "Let's go. God, I hate to leave her like this. "

Silas nodded, "She's got great hair."

"You just stick to that," Stefan warned. "Hands off the rest of her."

"I already told you that I'm not interested," Silas defended.

Stefan mumbled, "Keep it that way."

Salvatore Boarding House
Hours Later

Ric was pacing as he lectured.

Bonnie was done listening, "Ric, Stefan was supposed to drive us. It's not our fault he abandoned us and we got busted! You know what goes on at these parties."

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