66. Nightly Drama

208 3 0

Pairing: Keelin/Freya (F/F) hand

Mikaelson Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Wednesday, May 24, 2011


Penny stomped into the bedroom she shared with Liv and Danny and slammed the door.

Liv cast a worried look at Danny with her troubled blue eyes and shrugged.

Ten year old Danny, with caramel-colored skin and green-eyes, gulped, and bravely asked, "Um, Pen, what's wrong?"

Liv jumped in, "Yeah, are you okay? You look really mad."

Penny grimaced and spat, "Got in trouble again. Aunt Vanessa was yelling at me about my 'language' and Mom said I was rude. They don't even care that Finn was annoying me."

Liv nodded somberly, "Yeah, I guess, Penny, but you cursed at him."

Penny turned and angrily walked into the bathroom, "Whatever!"

Danny whispered, "My mom almost never yells...Did you hear what Penny said? It was the f-word! She's gonna get it."

Liv hid a giggle behind her hands, "Yeah, I know. She gets away with so much. Finn said he's going to do a spell on her the next time she gets him in trouble."

"What?" Danny asked in astonishment. She knew her brothers were learning magic, but they weren't allowed to do spells without supervision.

"Yeah, but don't tell anyone. She's coming," Liv hissed. They continued to put on their pajamas and then went to brush their teeth together. They knew an adult would be coming in very soon to make sure they were ready for bed.

Penny changed into her nightie and continued up the elaborate castle bed to where she slept.

Cami came in a moment later. She climbed the stairs and sat next to Penny. Cami took a deep breath and her heart went out to the angry ten-year-old facing away from her on the bed. She knew the girl was struggling with her emotions.

"Sweetheart, I know I was a little rough on you, but you can't talk to Aunt Vanessa that way. She was right in that Finn has feelings, too. Daddy and I aren't even as upset about the language as the meanness. What do you do when you get angry at someone?" Cami asked, stroking Penny's black hair back.

"I don't know...I guess you said I can take a breath, draw one of my pictures, get you or dad, tell a grown up, or walk away. But don't sweat or punch him," Penny recalled.

"Yes, that is good. We all get mad, but learning how to deal with it is a skill that I want you to work on. You know Finn loves you? You two sometimes remind me of my brother Sean and me when we were kids," Cami smiled. She was thinking she had to call her brother soon. Uncle Kieran was always the one who reached out and would put Sean on the phone. But now, Kieran was gone.

"Mom, you looked sad then," Penny reported.

"Yes, I was thinking of my Uncle Kieran. He passed on, but it still hurts," Cami said. "Have you liked spending more time with Connor this past week?"

Penny nodded, "Yeah, he's nice to me. But he looks at me funny sometimes. It's like he wants to say things to me and then he just starts hammering things. Erik, too."

"Honey, you know they went through a lot, just like you did, before they got here," Cami said. "They missed out on being your brothers for nine or ten years. So in a way, they are trying to make up for lost time. They are good kids, too."

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora