63. Red

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No pairing

Chapter dedicated to Katniss22 (Fanfiction.net)

Face of him ... red as that of the foggiest rising Moon.
—Thomas Carlyle

Mikaelson Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Tuesday, May 23,2011

Freya was in a horrible mood. She felt awful about not spending time with her wife and kids today. And she didn't feel great about her conversation with Silas. She had assumed he would be happy for their protection, but she seemed to have freaked him out. Freya gave Kol a piece of her mind for leaving Georgie alone. Then, she described how she had to knock out Silas with a sleep spell. It was for his own protection, she reminded herself. Then, she put thoughts of Silas out of her mind.

Freya wanted to grab a cup of tea for herself, but settled for a water bottle and a protein bar. She started to headed up to the play room when she saw Kai and Matt in the great room.

"Hey guys," Freya said. They were watching an action movie and she wasn't sure they heard her over an explosion. But Kai's vampire senses picked up on her footsteps and voice.

Without looking back, Kai said, "Hey Mom."

Matt looked back in surprise. "Hi, Aunt Freya. How's it going?"

"Ah, I think I freaked out Silas and I yelled at your Uncle Kol. I was planning to see what Keelin and the kids were up to," Freya remarked. She put a hand on Kai from the back of the couch. She had missed her eldest son when he stayed with Kol.

Kai smiled and turned, "Jo is being weird. Well, weirder than normal. I think she is in the play room with Mama."

"Weird how?" Freya prompted.

But Kai shrugged helplessly. "Just more quiet, I guess."

"Do you think it's the birthday party?" Freya wondered.

"Mom, I really don't know," Kai said. He looked back at the movie.

"Sorry, you guys have fun," Freya said. She went on picked up some of their dirty plates and took them back into the kitchen to load into the dishwasher.

"Aunt Freya, we could have done that," Matt called.

"It's okay," Freya called back.

She made her way upstairs to the playroom.

Keelin was reading to Joey and Rosie was half-asleep beside her on the couch.

"Hey guys," Freya greeted. She kissed Keelin.

"How'd it go?" Keelin said, pausing the story.

"Not great," Freya said. "Has Jo been here?" Freya looked around the large playscape area and only saw Lukas and Liv on the sliding board area.

Liv ran over to ask if they could go to the mall later.

"Hon, not now," Freya said. Joey got impatient and went over to see what Lukas was doing.

Liv frowned, "But Penny and Danny got to go out today. I didn't get to go."

Keelin spoke up, "Liv, they asked if you wanted to go and you said you didn't. We'll go soon."

Liv stamped her foot and walked off pouting. Freya watched her go.

"Um, did we just get our first teen attitude from her? I think she rolled her eyes," Freya asked in astonishment. "Vanessa and Cami asked her if she wanted to join them and she said she didn't!"

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