61. Wickery Bridge

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Pairing: Rebekah/Davina-Tommy (F/fm) 1-3 hand (mild)

Special thanks to Phoenix_Queen for the Wickery Bridge memorial idea.

"Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them"

– George Eliot.

Mikaelson Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Tuesday, May 23,2011

Cami took Ansel downstairs to get her coffee. She was careful to let Klaus sleep in for once. Penny, Danny, and Liv were still sleeping, too. She had peeked in their room and noticed that the younger boys must have been up with Vanessa or Elijah. She wanted to talk to Vanessa and see if Elijah had come to bed with a red bottom like her own husband had.

Chatting to her baby as she carefully held him, Cami found Vanessa sipping her own coffee at the kitchen table. A few newspapers were spread out but she could tell Vanessa was looking out the back door. Cami looked and saw Elijah, the dog, Finn, Henrik, Lukas, and Joey out back playing.

"Elijah's on dog duty?" Cami said with a laugh.

Vanessa nodded, "Yep, since Kol moved out, Sadie scratches at our door every day at like 6am like clockwork. I bet she tries to get the older boys to take her out, but they are dead to the world."

"I know. I think they've been staying up all night playing video games and watching movies again. I think Klaus figures it's summer and lets it go," Cami admitted.

"So I'm assuming your husband came in last night walking stiffly from his talk with Freya, too?" Vanessa inquired lightly.

"Yes, did she say anything to you?" Cami said. Vanessa reached out for the baby and held him while Cami fixed her coffee. She sipped it and gave a thumbs up. Elijah started putting a little chicory in it to make her feel more at home.

"Yeah, Freya mentioned several times that she was not happy with Elijah. I told her that she needed to do what she needed to. But she didn't say anything about Klaus," Vanessa mentioned. She cooed at the baby and used a napkin from the table to wipe his face.

"I know. I was surprised when Klaus limped in. I mean, I was half asleep and when he got in on his stomach. I kinda knew. Then I saw his backside," Cami whistled. "I am never messing with our sister-in-law."

"Ha, me either," Vanessa confided. "I had to put cold cream on Elijah. Oh God, he'd kill me if he knew I was talking about it but after...we, ya know..."

"Really?" Cami started to press. Then, Jeremy came in the kitchen.

Cami said, "Hey Jer, you are up early?"

Jeremy smiled, "Oh, Ansel is up. I've hardly seen him this week."

"Get something to eat and you can hold him," Cami directed. "So what are your plans for the day?"

"Oh, um, my sister and I have that thing. We're just going to go out to Wickery Bridge and hang out. Just the two of us, maybe Jenna," Jeremy said. "She's picking me up at 9am."

Cami remembered the anniversary and went over and hugged Jeremy.

"I'm so sorry. That sounds like a nice plan," Cami said. She explained to Vanessa, "This is the anniversary of his parents' accident."

Vanessa nodded, "I've heard. Jeremy, let me know if you need anything."

Jeremy smiled, "Thanks. I'm okay. I mean, it's kind of surreal but we're okay now. Gotta move on, ya know."

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