76. Monsters

174 2 6

Pairing: Keelin/Joey (F/m) 2x, mild

"Sometimes human places, create inhuman monsters." ‒ Stephen King.

Mikaelson Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia


Late Afternoon

Sunday, May 28, 2011

Connor had been a little apprehensive that his dad would confront him about the incident in the pool house. Kol's hand spanking had smarted as the Original vampire was strong, but the effects faded within hours as Connor's hybrid vampire/wolf healing took over. The mental effects lingered. He still felt a little guilty about the whole thing. Why hadn't he locked the door? What if the kids had seen? Then, he found out the truth while he was in his makeshift woodworking shop in the garage.

Kai found him hammering shelves that he was making for Aunt Freya and Aunt Keelin's lab.

"Hey, 'bout time someone finally came to give me a hand. Where the hell is everyone?" Connor said, stopping to take a sip of Coke from a can.

"Oh, I'm ready to give you a hand, alright. To the back of your stupid ass head," Kai fired back. The witch siphon hybrid's eyes blazed with anger. Something Connor hadn't seen recently.

"Bro, what's up? You pissed at me?" Connor asked in surprise. He put down the Coke can and stepped forward, with his hands raised in front of him.

"Did you fuck that Angela in the goddamn pool house?" Kai demanded hotly. Kai's shirt was off and Connor noticed he had more muscle than he ever realized. Connor was stronger physically, but Kai could siphon him to death if he wanted to.

Connor scratched at his chin nervously, "Yeah, well, almost. Uncle Kol came in and busted us. Whupped me a little, too after sending Angie home."

"Angie now, huh? Well, my little sister, Liv, saw you. She went to the bathroom and came back with a real eye full. She's only ten years old, Connor. What the hell were you thinking?" Kai questioned, still furious.

Connor's face fell. "Oh my god, man. I didn't know. I-I, don't know what the hell happened. We went to change and the next minute she was naked and on top of me."

"Make this right!" Kai yelled.

Connor felt his face heat up in shame. "Dude, I already got my ass beat by Uncle Kol. I, I d-don't know what else to do. I'm sorry."

Kai finally exhaled. "I don't know, man. I mean, the little girls are all totally confused. They don't get what Liv saw. She told them, too, by the way. I really don't know what to do, but they are just kids..."

Connor looked down, "Go on, kick my ass if you want to. Siphon me, I deserve it."

"Nah, you look guilty as hell. I mean, what does this girl have on you? It's like she popped your cherry and then you have nothing to do with her...Now, you want to bang her 24/7?" Kai wondered.

Connor leaned against a metal cabinet. "I honestly don't fucking know. It's all soon as she comes around, I'm obsessed. She's human, right?"

Kai looked at the shelves Connor was building. He ran his hand over the wood. "That's a good damn question. I bet my mom could figure that out."

Connor gulped, "You want me to out myself to Aunt Freya? She's tell my dad and I'm going to get the ass whupping of a life time..."

Kai started walking backwards. "Bro, I'm not telling you what to do. All I know is my little sister asked me what you were doing with a naked girl and I didn't know how to answer. Also, you aren't yourself when you are around this 'Angie.' And finally, can anyone keep a secret around here longer than like a day? I'm not going to rat you out, but I'm also not going to lie for you..."

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