77. Basement Level #4

189 4 4

No Pairing

"If I maintain my silence about my secret it is my prisoner...if I let it slip from my tongue, I am ITS prisoner."
― Arthur Schopenhauer

Old Lockwood Property

Mystic Falls, Virginia


Late Afternoon

Sunday, May 28, 2011

Elijah saw Tyler stumble and look again at Mason, or whatever he was becoming, and yelled again, "Run!"

Tyler vamped out of the cellar now, unsure though, if he should. But after all, Elijah was an Original, nothing could kill him.

Elijah watched as Mason's eyes shifted from yellow to a bright orange. His skin was replaced by a thick hide and fur and yet his teeth sprouted vampire fangs. He was large. Much larger than Niklaus when he was in his wolf form. Then, he stood up and roared, "ARGGGGGGHHHHHH..."

The old metal bars shook and Elijah himself stumbled back. He vamped back and cringed as he heard the chains snapping loose. He shut the metal grate door and held it as huge dents were pounded into it. He found an old metal bar and jammed it under the door latch, but he was unsure it would hold.

Mason was a hybrid of some sort? Made by the Strix? Elijah wondered what else he had missed. He held the door with his body and tried to call Freya with his free hand, but there was no signal.

With one more massive thump on the door, the noise stopped. It was only minutes, but it felt like ages.

Tyler had crept back down. "What's going on?"

Elijah frowned and hissed, "I told you to run!"

"I did, but I came back. I am a hybrid, you know. And that is my Uncle Mason...or was," Tyler fumed. "What was that?"

"I don't know. I've never seen anything like it." Elijah exhaled, "Did I ever tell you that you really remind me of Niklaus? So impertinent. Wait, his heart is slowing. I think he might be changing back."

Elijah held up a finger and listened.

"Tyler, I want you to go in the SUV and bring me the chains and...I'm sorry to say this, there is a spray bottle of wolfsbane and vervain," Elijah included, still holding the door.

"Vervain? Why would we need vervain?" Tyler gasped.

"I don't know if we do, but he had vampire fangs," Elijah revealed. "And call your father and Freya. We will need back-up. Call Kol, too. Let's leave Rebekah and Marcellus out of this one..."

"Got it," Tyler said, pulling out his phone.

Elijah paused. "And Tyler. You will not share this with anyone, but have your father ready the experimental lab. We might need it."

"Experimental lab? Is that a code word for dungeon? Jesus Christ, he's still my uncle," Tyler complained.

"I know. He'll be safe there, but as for the people of Mystic Falls, they won't be if he turns in that form we saw him in," Elijah explained patiently. He could see Tyler was troubled and shaking. In truth, Elijah was disconcerted himself.

Tyler nodded and vamped away. Elijah listened and kept the door shut until his siblings arrived.

Mystic Falls Baseball Diamond

Club House

Kol yawned and tried to hide it after Georgie kicked him on the leg.

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now