36. Frogger

213 3 7

Pairing: Vanessa/Danny (F/f) hand, hair brush

Freya/Lukas (F/m) two smacks

Freya-Keelin/Lukas-Liv (FF/mf) off screen, hand

Monday, May 15, 2011

Mikaelson Mansion

Klaus couldn't help but laugh when Ansel spit up on Uncle Sean again.

"That's a good look on you, Sean," Klaus continued.

Cami rolled her eyes at her husband's goofiness and went over to mop off her twin with a burb rag. She kept one draped over her shoulder constantly now. It made her heart happy to see her brother enjoying his only nephew so much, despite the spit up and dirty diapers.

"Sean, here let me help," Cami said. "I wish you lived closer. You are going to miss so much."

"Cami, you know I would love that. But St. Anne's needs me...-" Sean started, still cradling the baby.

"Screw the parish!" Cami fired back. Klaus' eyes grew wide. He put his hands on the back of Cami's shoulders and rubbed them.

"My love, your brother is in charge of the human faction now in New Orleans, and like your Uncle Kieran was, he is much needed," Klaus gently explained.

"How do you know know, Klaus? You haven't even been back there in what? Decades? A century?" Cami snapped.

Klaus was hurt, "Camille, I created the council hundreds of years ago. I know that we need an O'Connell to help run things or it turns to dust."

Sean nodded, "Klaus is right. It's a delicate balance. The other power brokers in the city had relationships with Uncle K. and our family. They won't listen to just any human and being a priest helps. Sometimes I think they think I have a direct line to the big guy."

"Marcel?" Cami prodded.

"No, God," Sean laughed. Klaus joined him and Cami allowed herself a small smile.

"Sorry, it's just I feel like Ansel is growing so fast...," Cami said. She turned and hugged Klaus. "Time is slipping away."

Klaus kissed her, "He is growing fast, but he's still a babe. We can fly down to New Orleans ourselves for the weekend when he gets a little older. Of course, we may be lugging the rest of the gang, too."

Ansel began to fuss and Cami took him, "Could you at least stay a little longer?"

Sean frowned, "Sorry, sis. I gotta get back. But like Klaus said, you all can come down and bring my nephew when he's a little older. Get him started on the beignets at Café du Monde early."

"Let's wait a couple years for that, but it sounds fun." Cami nodded and replied, "That sounds fun."

Gerard-Mikaelson House

"Sara Philomena Stone," Josh said carefully, "put that down right now."

Josh and Aiden had been packing and had lost track of their new daughter in the large house. Josh found her in the living room holding a seemingly translucent white enamel egg.

In shock, the little four year old, almost dropped the creation. Josh vamped to her and caught the egg safely in his hands. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Rebekah came out carrying Annabel and rocking her.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Rebekah smiled.

Sara looked stricken and began to cry, Josh tried to replace the egg casually.

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now