54. The Gates of Hell

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Pairing: Lexi/Stefan (F/m) hand (mild)

This chapter is dedicated to Mafia from fanfiction.net. Thank you to Jazmine F. and Phoenix_Queen for further plot development.

"THE GATES OF HELL ARE open night and day; Smooth the descent, and easy is the way: But to return, and view the cheerful skies, In this the task and mighty labor lies... "

—The Aeneid, book VI, Virgil

Cave of the Sibyl, Modern Day Naples, Italy

Sunday, May 21, 2011


Stefan grinned widely, "When you left word for me to meet you at the Gates of Hell, I wasn't sure this was the place. But then I remembered how you read me The Aeneid, that first time you pulled me out of my own hell."

Lexi smiled back and rushed into Stefan's arms. Then, the 350 year old blond vampire, replied,"I wasn't sure you were listening and then you started quoting it back to me. That was the first time I met you in 1864. You were but a babe and you tried to eat me!"

Stefan laughed and wiped away a tear. "In my defense, I thought you were human. Oh Lexi, I'm so glad you are alive. I still don't understand how, though."

Lexi smirked, "And Damon never told you the truth! I should have guessed. Just wait until I get my hands on that asshole. His whole "stake a vamp" plan was orchestrated. I woke up from the vervain nap he gave me, in the coroner's office. Damon smuggled me out and explained that he did it to keep you safe. He was supposed to tell you the truth. But from the look on your face, you never got my letters."

"No, I was furious at Damon. I didn't know until...now. But you can't get even with Damon until we get him good again. Damon got attacked by this off-shoot of the Augustines and he is now a kid again. I want to bring him back," Stefan explained.

"So you've said. Your brother is a prick. Did you realize that he would text me from your cell phone and make me think it was you? I get why he did it, though," Lexi smiled.

"Why? I don't," Stefan added.

"I think he just wanted to keep you there. I mean, he knows that I took care of you for many years. Oh Stefan, it's so good to see you again!" Lexi hugged Stefan tightly.

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion


Klaus had taken the kids to the lake Saturday morning for the clean up. Then, he took them to the Grill for lunch and a movie. The boys were somewhat subdued and tired, after their morning of cleaning up the lake shore from discarded beer cans and other garbage. A lot of the teens from the party were there with garbage bags and gloves trying to undo the damage from the huge end-of-the-school year bash. Everyone, except Tyler and Jeremy, spent the evening at home. Tyler was still staying at the Forbes' residence with Caroline and Jeremy went to the Salvatore Boarding House with Elena and Bonnie. He wanted to talk to his sister and aunt about a memorial service at Wickery Bridge on Tuesday.

Klaus knew that he had to show Kol what he had promised him months earlier. The Original hybrid had some secrets that he was ready to unload. Klaus was about to head over to the guest house when he heard arguing in the spare bedroom.

Klaus popped his head in the open door. Freya was standing with her hands on her hips. Keelin was sitting on the bed, next to Kai. Kai was clearly upset. He was sitting on the double bed, but his hands were in fists at his side.

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang