98. Bottoms Up

206 3 0

Pairing: Keelin/Freya (F/F) hand, brush

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

June 10, 2011

Freya and Keelin's lab


Freya came to breathing hard and sitting on the floor.

"Sister, Kai had to stop the spell. We were afraid you were having a stroke! Are you alright?" Elijah asked. Klaus was groaning on the gurney and Kai was feeding him a blood bag. Elijah gave Freya a sip of water.

"Thanks. I saw it all. Father...What he did to you all, how he treated Niklaus. I swear if he wasn't dead, I would...," Freya said between sips. Her brain was on fire. She felt was he had felt as a human, as a wolf, and finally as a vampire. The flowers he had crushed into pigments, Ester giving him a bowl of soup, all the girls, all the pain, and so much blood. Waves and rivers of blood...She felt it all at once, the pain, the paranoia, the fear, the pain, and the love. It was overwhelming and she pressed her fingers to her temples to focus.

"Never mind that now," Elijah soothed. "The spell, could you identify it?"

"There were many spells cast on Niklaus in the last ten centuries. I saw her, your Celeste...and the first one, Tatia," Freya moaned. "I am so sorry, Brother."
Elijah squeezed his eyes shut, "That is in the past now. It's done and over with. I forgave him for that long ago."

"I also saw Genevieve, the witch," Freya said, sitting up. "Okay, I need to focus. There was the hunter's curse, a hex or two, but yes, it's a full moon. This was the big one. Yes, I do think that the problem was the hybrid spell. I will link to Kai and then he can siphon it off. It is a dark magic that I've never seen before. I think someone was sacrificed? Maybe a whole coven," Freya gasped.

Kai heard and looked over, "Who would do that?"

"I think it was those Travelers," Freya began. "And they brought someone through from the other side. It might be collapsing or in some distress."

Klaus sat up as Kai undid the magical straps.

"Tom Avery was the human sacrifice in my spell. It was the only way to spare Elena Gilbert. How could I have forgotten that?" Klaus asked.

Freya stood on shaky legs.

"Niklaus, that witch who betrayed you, Nicole...I think she was a Traveler who got into bed with a coven that did dark magic. They got their power from human sacrifices," Freya shared. "They need the last two doppelgängers dead before they can bring everyone else in their coven back. Nicole, though, is probably not one who sacrificed herself if I can make a guess."

"I had assumed they killed her. Dammit! She played Kol and me against each other like fiddles," Klaus roared. "Let me call Ric and Kol and warn them. Maybe we should get Silas, Stefan, and Elena over here. They are all in a vast amount of danger."

Kai frowned, "I guess Silas' relative or dad was already gone. I gave him false hope."

Freya shook her head. "No, you may have saved his life by trying. I'll call."

Freya made the calls quickly. "They are on their way."

Elijah went to Klaus and said, "If she harmed our family, she is dead. Let it be by my hand this time, Brother."

"Indeed. I should have done it myself. Blast it," Klaus cursed.

"You couldn't have known," Freya soothed. "And she was so pretty. She looks like Penelope Cruz."

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