41. Satisfaction

262 4 0

Pairing: Kol/Aaron (M/m) hand, (cutting board)paddle

"'Curiosity killed the cat,' Fesgao remarked, his dark eyes unreadable.
Aly rolled her eyes. Why did everyone say that to her? 'People always forget the rest of the saying,'she complained. 'And satisfaction brought it back.'"

-Tamora Pierce, Trickster's Choice

Tuesday, May 16, 2011

Guest House


Kol had sent Aaron up to his room first before walking Connor and Erik over to the big house. It had been a tense and long drive home with the two hybrid brothers and a scared Aaron jammed into Kol's Porsche.

"Your parents are waiting for you. Go on up to their quarters," Kol said at the back glass door of the kitchen. Sadie padded over to them and then barked.

"What's wrong, girl?" Kol asked.

Erik petted his dog and then leaned over and hugged her, "Nice knowing ya, Sadie-girl."

Freya was behind the kitchen island, "Oh Erik, don't be so dramatic. You know your mom won't actually let your dad kill you, right?"

Connor almost grinned, "Kill, maybe not...but maim, yeah."

Freya shook her head and sarcastically murmured, "Well, I'm sure you had an excellent reason for getting suspended, right."

Connor's shoulders fell, "No, Aunt Freya."

"I didn't think so, hon. But we still love you guys. Go on and see your parents, okay? I don't think you need me to walk you up," Freya pronounced.

"No, ma'am," Erik muttered and headed up first. Connor vamped past him, unable to let his younger brother get ahead of him.

"That bad?" Freya said, coming around the island.

"Aaron said something they misconstrued as an insult on their birth mum. The lad didn't mean anything, but it got out of hand," Kol explained.

"I feel like I don't want to know the details," Freya realized. "Muffin? I made you a tin to take home."

Kol grinned weakly, "You don't want to save them for Niklaus? I'm sure he would enjoy them."

"Nah, I made two batches! One extra healthy for him. He just got beignets from New Orleans from Sean, so this will even him out," Freya laughed. She handed Kol the tin and looked at him critically, she hated to see him so upset. "Hey, that new potion is working wonders on Georgie. She is calm and not as hungry. The animal blood is helping mixed with human. That sounds gross to me, but less gross than her draining the mail lady. Just make sure she is feeding on a schedule and eating regularly...sleeping, etc. A little sex would probably calm her down, too."

Kol reddened, "Sister, may I pretend you never said that? But I will make sure she is regulated. Thank you for your efforts."

Freya grinned, "Kol, don't be such a prude. I can't tell you two have a little spark. Why fight it? You are both single adults."

"Because I am her sire. I don't want to take advantage when she is most vulnerable. I have seen it before, Freya," Kol explained.

"I think you are just scared of moving forward...-" Freya started.

Sadie yelped again and Kol went to let her out.

"No, wait! There is something else...Um, don't let Sadie out yet," Freya began but she was interrupted. Then, Keelin called from the stairs for her to hurry up.

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