9. Order of the Celestial Dawn

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Pairing: Alaric/Damon (M/M) hand, hairbrush

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

Saturday, May 7, 2011

After Dinner

"Hey Matt, can I talk to you?" Jo asked casually after dinner as she dried the last pot and set it on the counter. Matt was bagging up the garbage to take into the garage. She had tried to talk to him earlier but Klaus had made the boys clean their room and do laundry earlier the day. Also, Jo wanted this is be a private talk, which was almost impossible because of everyone around. She had ended up watching the younger kids. Elijah and Vanessa had taken Danielle, Penny, and Liv out shopping after going to Danielle's house to get her things.

Matt nodded, "Yeah, Jo. What's up?"

"Um, Dana said something about your mom coming to see you at school?" Jo started with an awkward pause.

"That's what Dana said. She was this burn-out Tiffany, I think they were high," Matt said begrudgingly. "Or pranking me. My mom...I haven't heard from her in months."

"So you don't think it was really your mom? Matt, Dana can be of her own mind, but I don't think she would lie about your mom. I mean, how would she even know her name or what she looked that?" Jo pointed out.

Matt hadn't thought of it, he hadn't wanted to. "Jo, I really don't know. What should I do? I tried to call the cell phone number I had for her and it was disconnected."

Jo shrugged, "Dude, I'm a witch. I could do a locator spell. I just need some of your blood and an object from your mom."

Matt considered it, "Like what? I don't even have anything from her. She had a necklace that she gave to my sister, Vic. But we, ah..." Matt started to cry softly and Jo put an arm on him. He continued, "We buried it with her."

Jo paled, "Oh Matt, I'm so sorry. Let me call Bonnie or talk to Freya, there might be another spell we could do. It's okay." Jo cried with Matt a moment, she was lucky, all of her siblings somehow survived their infamous Gemini coven. Her parents didn't survive, but she tried to block them out.

"Sorry, Jo. It's just hard because she is my mom, but she doesn't act like one. And my dad, where the fuck is he? Does he even know Vicky is dead? Or care? I guess not," Matt spat bitterly.

Jo just rubbed his arm. "Matt, they are starting the movie. Go on, I'll bring in the popcorn."

Matt wiped his eyes, "Hey, we're going to have a little party in the safe room after the old people and kids go to bed. Which these days is like 8pm. You should stop being antisocial and come."

Jo smiled, "I will. Honestly, no one really invited me. Not even my own twin."

"Kai gets pretty crazy in there. He's probably afraid you will tell on him. Especially, now that Uncle Kol is back. He ain't afraid to whup any of our asses and he don't go to bed at 8," Matt added.

"How do you guys get in there? Plus, aren't there cameras everywhere?" Jo wondered.

"Yes, your sisters or Kai do a cloaking spell and then they seal the door magically so no one can hear or see it. Sometimes we make Erik be the lookout and stay on the couch outside, but no one has every investigated. We also are careful to clean up. Someone takes a before picture so nothing is out of place," Matt confided. "Hey, we can trust you on this, right?"

"Yeah. I bet the adults are so exhausted from the little kids that they fall right asleep," Jo mentioned.

Matt smirked, "Okay, to be totally honest, either Kai, Dana, or Rachael might be drugging them or putting a spell on their wine bottle. But our mom can't drink anymore so they had to do something with her tea. You really don't know any of this?"

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