92. Let Me Call You Sweetheart

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Pairing: Klaus/Kol (M/M) hand, brief (playful)
"Let me call you "Sweetheart," I'm in love with you
Let me hear you whisper that you love me too
Keep the love-light glowing in your eyes so true
Let me call you "Sweetheart," I'm in love with you." (1910)

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

June 2, 2011


Kol stopped off at the main house to drop off the flowers for all of the ladies. He threw in some chocolate, too, as he dropped everything on the main island in the kitchen. He was whistling an old tune that Rebekah used to torture them with on the piano.

Klaus came in with Sadie from the backyard.

"Brother, I haven't heard that tune for a long time," Klaus smiled.

"Ah, dropped your boy off at school. Ric was having a trying morning over at the boarding house," Kol explained.

"Thank you for taking Jeremy. I am glad he made it without WWIII ocuring. What's all this?" Klaus said, pointing to the flowers as he refilled Sadie's water.

"For your wife and the rest of the ladies, I got them chocolate, too. We would be beasts without them here," Kol laughed. He petted Sadie's golden fur and hugged her a moment before standing up.

Klaus put his arm around Kol's neck from behind and put him in a headlock.
"We are beasts, but aye, they are the best of us," Klaus agreed. "But if a woman can get you to wear a thong, they can also be savages! That reminds me I haven't checked your underpants today..."

Kol yelped as Klaus bent him over the island and pulled down his jeans.

"Nik, I'm going to kick your arse!" Kol grumbled. "And you wear short pants now!"

Klaus was wearing khaki short and a polo shirt.

Klaus laughed louder, he glanced around and listened a brief moment before looking at Kol's charcoal colored briefs.

"Good. You are in your proper pants today," Klaus intoned. "And everyone around here wears shorts. Get some, they are comfortable." He whacked Kol with the flat of his hand several times all over his behind.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

"OWWWWWW, you bleedin' dickhead!" Kol exclaimed. But Klaus just popped him again and let him up to pull up his jeans. Maybe he should wear shorts more often. Georgie had laughed at his white legs the one time he tried them on, though. Smack!

"I have been called worse, young man," Klaus said, as Kol glared daggers at him. "I'm going to go tell my wife that I got her flowers!"

"I'm going to get you, Nik!" Kol said, giving his seat a quick rub. Klaus strolled out of the kitchen whistling the old tune now himself.

Kol rolled his eyes and then headed to the fridge for Klaus' rare blood. It was on the upper shelf behind a gallon of 2% milk and pickles.

"Joke is on him," Kol said, as he gathered all five bags of the AB negative with a smirk on his face. He headed out to the garage and drove over to the guest house. He thought he ought to find Cade and feed him, before heading to Rebekah's. He called for him and then bit into the blood bag, gagging.

"Fuckin' animal blood? You are kidding me," Kol shouted in the empty kitchen of the guest house. "NIK!!!!! You are a bastard..."

And where the hell was the cat?

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