42. Smoothing the Rough Side

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Pairing: Klaus/Connor-Erik (M/mm) ping pong paddle

Prompt fulfilled for Phoenix_Queen

Tuesday, May 16, 2011

Mikaelson Mansion

Freya caught up with Keelin as they headed back upstairs. She shared, "Kol is heading over to the guest house. I don't know what he is going to think about his new roomie."

"You mean the cat or Georgie? I don't know, Freya...Pushing a pet on someone is one thing, but a girlfriend. You know, your brother is over 1000 years old," Keelin laughed.

"I know. But I think he just needs a push. I can't stand seeing him alone when the rest of us are so happy," Freya remarked, kissing Keelin on the lips.

"We are happy, aren't we? Well, it's long overdue. Now, if Kol doesn't want the cat, are you going to try to hoist it on Rebekah and Marcel next?" Keelin pressed.

"Hell yeah, Rosie really wants that damn cat. Poor Joey, too," Freya admitted.

"With his allergies, we might need to take him to a specialist. An allergy shot might help. Not really my area of expertise, but they won't stop talking about that cat. It would break his heart to not go over to see it," Keelin determined.

"We'll figure something out. Maybe we could get him a fish? Or a hamster?" Freya offered. "A bird? A pet rock...would be our best bet."

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Keelin agreed, happily giggling, as they walked back up to the play room. Vanessa was watching all of the kids, included the suspended ones: Danny, Lukas, and Liv. They were to be doing school work she assigned. They only had a few things they could make up since it was the last week of school.

They walked into Vanessa scolding Lukas for refusing to do his work. Danny was writing diligently and Liv seemed to be finished. Rosie and Joey were on the playscape yelling and going down the slide.

Vanessa looked at Freya and Keelin, "It seems someone is 'done' with school today. He said he doesn't care if he loses his playtime."

Lukas itched his blond curly haired head and looked at his aunt in surprise, as if he hadn't thought she would share that particular comment with his parents. He squirmed in his seat. His moms were not real happy with him right now.

"Oh really," Keelin said. "How about we go discuss this in your bedroom, young man. Then, you can come back and do your work on a smarting behind."

Seven year old Lukas's eyes got wide, "No, no, sorry, I'll do it now."

The girls giggled. Freya lightly chided them, "Ladies, that's enough. Want to show me what you got done?"

Keelin thanked Vanessa for watching them and walked her to the door of the playroom. She knew she was busy getting her three kids' clothes ready for their trip to Italy. She only had a few hours before the boys got home. Elijah was doing work in his office and on an overseas call.

"Oh, it's not the kids I am worried about," Vanessa explained. "It's Elijah. Him and his $11,000 suits! They cost more than my first car. You have never seen such a fussy man in your life, Keelin."

Keelin laughed, "You are right, girl. I haven't. I like to stick to the fairer sex, you know?"

"Oh yeah, of course. But honestly, he is driving me crazy with the luggage. I'll see you guys later. Kids, be good. Call me if they need more assignments," Vanessa said loudly, for the kids' benefit. She really only was certified to teach high school English, but they didn't know that.

Rosie and Joey ran up to their mothers and began to pester them about the kitty.

"Babies, we will see what Uncle Kol says. If he says yes, we will go see kitty later, okay?" Freya smiled. She tickled both of them and they squealed.

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora