50. Stupid Things

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Pairing: Bill Forbes/Caroline (M/f) hand, helping hand paddle

Cami/Jeremy (F/m) hand

Plot contributions from Jazmine F.

Mild warning for mentions of self-harm, alcohol use, drug use

"Now, I don't think I'm a stupid guy. I'm just an average guy who does
stupid things."
― Chris Thrall

Lockwood Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Friday, May 19, 2011

Tyler bolted up off the couch and was in the foyer the next minute, exclaiming, "Did Jer just take off in the SUV?"

Sheriff Forbes was on the radio, barking orders into it.

Carol Lockwood, wrung her hands, "Honey, he j-just took off! Without a license, Liz and I were going to follow him so he didn't have to drive. Why in the world would he do something silly like this?"

Tyler bit his lip and then asked, "Um, Mother, you know how I always told you that no one drank at these parties?"

"Yes, I remember," Carol said, uncertain of where this was going.

"Well, I lied. I bet most of the kids are pretty shit-faced by now. Someone the football team always gets a couple of kegs and there's more," Tyler admitted.

"What could be worse? I can't believe you lied to me. No, on second thought, I guess times have changed around here. We used to just get pizza and go to football games. We didn't need alcohol to have fun," Carol mused. "But tell me the rest. I will stay calm."

Tyler blurted out, "Pot. I'm sure some kids are smoking a little."

Carol looked disappointed, "Oh Tyler. That explains Jeremy running off like that. I"m not mad, honey. Just worried. He took off like a bat coming out of Hades."

Tyler smirked a little, "You know, you can say 'hell' once in a while. I'm like 17."

Carol snapped, "In my day, we learned that ladies didn't use that kind of language. We also didn't get as drunk as skunks!"

Liz was off the radio. She looked behind Tyler to where her daughter was standing.

"Caroline, you need your rest," Liz chided gently. "We've got this."

"No, Tyler and I should go make sure Jeremy is okay. If you guys go, it will cause mass panic," Caroline determined.

Liz sighed, "Sweetheart, my deputies are already on their way. Now go back and get on the couch and we will head home after. Or your dad can take you two now. Bill?"

"No! Mom, these are our friends. I need to see them," Caroline wailed.

Liz exhaled, "I have to get going. Bill?"

Bill Forbes stepped into the entrance way. "Sorry, I was in the restroom. What is going on?"

Liz explained, "Jeremy took off to try to break up this lake party that I am about to bust. Can you keep our daughter safe?"

"No, Mom, I'm not a kid anymore. You can't tell me what to do," Caroline roared.

Carol frowned at the girl's rude outburst, "Bill, there's a wooden paddle in the side table by the lamp if you need it. I'm going with the Sheriff. Works wonders on teen bottoms!"

Liz nodded, "That is the truth." Tyler flushed and looked down. He had to resist rubbing the seat of his own pants. That paddle was light but smarted like a hundred stinging bees.

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