93. False Start

199 3 0

Pairing: Ric/Jeremy (M/m) hand, fly swatter

*Request (Part 2 of 2) for VampireQueen666

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

June 2, 2011


Elijah kissed Vanessa again. She clasped the diamond pendant that he had her made in New Orleans.

"I've been going to that jewelry store for a few centuries now. Still in the family. It looks beautiful on you, my dear," Elijah smiled. He brushed back Vanessa's shoulder length hair back behind her ear. "Next, I'll get you matching earrings."

"You'll spoil me," Vanessa purred. "I'm just happy to have you back. It's not the same here without you. The kids were so out of sorts."

"They weren't misbehaving, I hope," Elijah replied.

"No more than usual," Vanessa laughed. "Honestly, the biggest problem we had was Matt, wasting all the enamel we bought to paint those models. I found them in the garbage and most were still usable. But Finn got furious and wanted to have words with his cousin. I think your brother went up and spanked his behind so I held your son off."

"Speaking of my brother, I feel like he wanted to have some words with me about the boys. If you don't mind, I'm going to find him and give him those beignets. That always did soften him up," Elijah said, kissing her again.

"I love you," Vanessa said, with her green eyes tearing up.

"Not as much as I love you," Elijah said, in a husky voice.

He left the room after checking that the boys were not setting fires or killing each other in their bedroom. Then, he looked in on the girls who were making pillow forts in their room. Cami was in there, weeding through clothes and putting things to donate in a big bag.

"Hey, how was the trip?" Cami said, getting up.

Elijah embraced her. "Really good. Your brother is quite busy though in his capacity as human faction leader. We could not have put that barrier up without him."
"You lost me at barrier. I'm sure Klaus filled me in, but I might have lapsed into mom brain. Ansel has his days and nights switched up, so that's not good," Cami revealed.
"Well, perhaps we can hire that night nurse again? I feel like we are safe here for the foreseeable future. Let me make some calls," Elijah offered.

"No, it's okay. With the baby's room being in our room, it's kind of odd to have someone in there working. But I'm sure Rebekah would take you up on that offer," Cami suggested.

"Yes, indeed. So is your husband avoiding me or is it my imagination?" Elijah said wryly.

"Oh Elijah, I think he is napping. Like I said, Ansel was keeping us up. Try our bedroom? The girls have so many clothes they never wear. Why the heck do we have so much?" Cami said. Elijah felt a tug and Danny was behind him. He had already seen her when he got home.

"Dad, don't we have soccer tonight?" Danny pressed.

"Um, let me check with Uncle Kol and see. He's the coach so I'll get back to you and see if he arranged a practice," Elijah said. "That looks like a great fort. I'm going to go look in on Uncle Klaus and I'll be back."

Elijah watched as Danny ran back to her cousins. He was certainly relieved to be back, but wasn't looking forward to facing Klaus.

Mystic Falls High School


Jeremy was surprised when Jenna came to pick up him and Stefan from summer school.

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now