30. Fresh Start

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Pairing: Rebekah/Davina (F/f) hairbrush (brief)

Bonnie/Enzo (f/m) hand, playful

Saturday, May 13, 2011

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

Spare bedroom

Kol talked to Aaron after spanking him and found out that Davina had been the one to lead him out to the driveway. Davina had also suggested he hitchhike back to his old neighborhood and see if he could like with Ric and Jenna.

"But do you know them well? I assume you know Ric from school," Kol had asked.

"Yeah, and Wes's mom and I invited ourselves over so she could case the house. I'm not sure what kind of mission she was on. I know my family once created funded the Augustines, but I don't know anything more than that. I was a kid when my parents were murdered," Aaron had said sadly. Kol had put the boy in the bed on his stomach.

"Murdered? By whom?" Kol had wondered aloud.

"Damon Salvatore, according to that other vampire," Aaron spat. "He was going to kill him, but he turned into a kid again."

"A kid? What do you mean?" Kol had prodded.

"So Maxine, Wes's mom, was using a serum that would she was testing. The aim was to turn any vampire who ingested it into a human child. It's a miracle, really. But she wasn't sure if it was going to work. Wes hadn't finished it yet...," Aaron revealed grimly.

"Were you close to this Wes? He raised you after your parents died, didn't he?" Kol asked gently. He patted Aaron's back lightly.

"I guess. He basically just used my fortune and sent me to boarding school. He wanted to train me as a doctor when I was old enough," Aaron had started. "But I am not into that kind of thing."

"What are you into, lad?" Kol asked.

"I guess music. I used to take a lot of lessons," Aaron admitted.

"Like piano?" Kol pressed.

"Sure, but I also used to take voice...and I always wanted to play the guitar, but Wes said it was a waste of time," Aaron confessed.

"Hey, you are free of all that now. You can play the guitar if you want. Now, go on and have a little catnip," Kol purred in his accent.

"I'm not tired," Aaron complained. Kol patted him twice on the rear.

"I didn't ask. Now shut your eyes. I need to go see my sister," Kol shared. He leaned down and kissed Aaron on his blond head. He waited until Aaron fell asleep before leaving.

Gerald-Mikaelson House

"A hard head makes a soft behind."

Rebekah hadn't ever dreamt that her life would be so full. She had Marcel, Davina, Tommy, and now the triplets. And the house, she held Mirabelle to her breast and glanced around the beautiful nursery. Klaus had had the walls painted Rebekah's favorite shade of a soft pink. Her eyes teared up to remember how he had made her a gown of the same shade in the early 1800s. If she only knew that he would dagger her decades later...that time it was for 52 years.

Marcel came in quietly, he grinned, "You look so beautiful there."

"Beautiful. Now I know you are a liar, I haven't had a shower in two days. But thank you, Marcel. I was just...remembering," Rebekah sighed. "I think Mirabelle is almost sated. Did the kids clean up their rooms?"

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz