4. The Notebook

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Pairing: Klaus/Tyler, Kai, Connor, Matt, Jeremy, Erik (M/mmmmmm), paddle, hand

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Same Day

Klaus had the boys sit in the dining room with their notebooks working on their reflection about their behavior.

"Go on and write about everything in the last three months that you want to get off your chests now. We'll take care of it tonight, before it festers more," Klaus said.

"What do we do when we are done?" Jeremy asked.

"Your homework," Klaus smiled and then went to check on Cami.

Jeremy groaned. "So we have to sit here..."

Matt wrote for a bit and then chewed on his pencil. He hated sitting here and he didn't like to do more school work right after school. He ended up confessing more than he had intended, just to avoid his homework.

A few of the boys were able to get their math done. Matt had discontinued tutoring on the contingency that he would let Cami and Klaus know if he needed more help. Vanessa was also available to help with his English assignments. But without Matt having to work at the Grill to support himself, he had finally developed the habit of getting all his school work completed. He also was not allowed to miss any school days unless he had a temperature or was throwing up. Matt had tried faking it a couple of times, but he just wasn't good enough at deception to pull it off. When Keelin, a physician moved in, it was impossible for any of the kids to fake sick. Matt was amazed that just attending school on a regular basis made his classes a lot easier. Matt tried to never think of his mother and where the hell she was. Having a stable home life made him wonder where he would have been if he had had this all along. Thinking about Kelly Donovan made Matt sad and then angry.

Cami had brought the boys more snacks as they sat at the table consisting of popcorn, pretzels, chips, and fruit salad. She felt guilty about being so sick and sleeping so much. She had left Klaus working on the computer and told him she would right back.

"Boys, you need any help?" Cami asked weakly.

Connor looked up, "Mom, you don't look so good. Why don't you go sit down? We're okay here. Honest."

Cami put a hand on his shoulder, "You sure, honey? Okay, I'm going to continue to be a lazy blob then."

Jeremy nodded, "We're okay, Ma. Until Dad beats the hell out of us. Oh shit! We got warned about swearing again. Sorry!" Tyler rolled his eyes at Jeremy's bumbling apology.

Cami smiled, "Twenty-four hours with no electronics? I heard. Consider yourselves warned. You know how the little ones are very impressible. They look up to all of you so much, especially Finn, Henrik, and Joey. Be good. Your dad wants me to help him do something on the internet."

Matt gulped, "He's looking at our progress notices online, isn't he?"

"You will find out soon enough," Cami said carefully. "Excuse me."

Erik frowned after Cami left, "She don't look too good. Are we wearing her out? I don't know what to write..."

Connor sighed, "Always whining, lil bro. Just write what Dad told us. It ain't that bad. I forgot to take out the twenty bags of garbage again."

"Is that it?" Matt quipped. "You didn't eat anyone at the vo-tech at lunch?"

"Nah, the worst thing I did, other than feed at that party, was when I beat Tyler's ass when we busted the hole in the wall on the stairs."

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant