Chapter Two

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Dad didn't need much convincing. Once I'd said a girl asked me to hangout he didn't even bother listening to the details. 'Yes' came out of his mouth before I could even mention the party. I'm pretty sure I could have told him I was robbing a bank and he would have still said yes.

Once we got home I dropped my gym bag and backpack by the front door. Running upstairs I mentally kick myself for not asking what people wear to parties. The only ones I'd ever been to were formal; pack balls and ceremonies. Highschool parties were probably more casual, right?

Opening my bedroom door I head straight for my closet. Pushing my desk chair out of the way so I could get more room. Pulling out different shirts and dresses and tossing them aside. Groaning out loud I tug off dad's sweater and throw it on my bed.

After throwing half my wardrobe onto the floor, I sigh. Giving up on finding the perfect outfit I grab my favorite pair of wide legged black ripped jeans. Then taking a green cropped band tee off a hanger. I open up my top drawer and pick a basic black bra.

Tossing the clothes on my bed I decide to take a quick shower. Keeping my hair dry as I wash my body, and shave my armpits. After I've rinsed I turn the water off and step out of the humid shower stall. The cool air giving me instant goosebumps, I pull a towel off the shelf and wrap it around me.

Taking the elastic out of my hair I undo the braid. Shuffling into my room before I kick my door closed. Checking the time on my alarm clock on my nightstand, and it reads 5:43 PM.

"Shit." I cuss to myself.

Dropping the towel I get dressed quickly and put on my shoes. Gather up a bag full of makeup and head downstairs. I can't be late, I don't want to give off the impression I'm rude. This is the first time anyone at this schools tried to be my friend. I hope they want to be friends anyways. There is the possibility it's all a cruel joke to them. I pray it isn't, it would be nice having friends. Having other girls to talk to, anyone other than my father would be nice right now.

"Dad! I need you to drive me to the library, I'm late!" I yell, running down the stairs.

"Okay, I'll be right out." He hollers back.

Running out of the front door I sprint around the side of the car. Getting in on the front passenger side I toss my bag by my feet, doing up my seatbelt as I watch dad walk down the front steps of the small porch.

Our house was small but perfect for us. We lived in the back of the pack land because we were sworn in instead of born into it. Everyone on our street was like us. All of our houses on the same small lot. Every one of them identical, equally run down because the Alpha didn't care much about us on this side. Some of us tried to tidy up the places, fixing what we could. There was only so much you could do with the little amounts of money allotted to wolves like us. In an Alpha's eye we didn't bring much to the table, so we were given the scraps left over after providing for everyone else. Wolves found jobs within the pack. The kind of Jobs offered to dad didn't pay enough to gut and redo everything. We barely managed to pay for paint and flowers. Looking at our place, the chipping paint, the weathered wood on the front steps, it was home. It was worn in and comfortable. Our place might not be the prettiest but it was ours.

Our little Honda Civic got us to the library just in time for me to run inside. Waving my dad off through the glass doors he pulls away. Standing there I wait for the girls to show up, wondering if they even will. They could stand me up. Sighing to myself I hug the bag full of makeup to my chest. If they do at least the walk home isn't too far.

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