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Part Two

A year later


Standing in Adira's bedroom, I watch as she climbs out of bed. Her hair is a mess, and she drags her feet as she walks into her closet. I tried getting to the boys before they could wake her, but they're so fast. She needs her sleep, but she refuses anyones help.

Little Baldric on my hip, he pulls at my hair while Mister Gabe is tugging at my pant leg. "Gramma!" He whines.

Smiling down at him, I squat down and push his hair out of his eyes. The twins had shocked us all. The two of them have heterochromia, one green, and one turquoise eye. Noal and Evan's eyes. Their hair was all Adira, though, black and curly. "Yes, Gabriel?"

"Up, up!"

Scooping him into my right hip, I stand up and turn to leave the room. "I'm taking the boys. Take as long as you need!" I hollar, walking out of the room and down the hall to the stairs.

Evan running up them towards me. "Oh, I was going to grab them."

"I've got 'em. Grandma couldn't wait." I look at Baldric, kissing his cheek before kissing Gabes. "We're going to have so much fun today. A huge picnic, with cookies and snacks. Grandpa brought gifts." I inform the twins.

Bouncing on my hips together, they squeal, and Evan jumps for Gabe, his body tilting too far back. "I'll take him." Evan takes the little acrobat, throwing him over his shoulder.

Following him down the stairs, Evan leads the way out of the front door. Balloons and streamers leading a path to the back of the house. "You really went all out, Evan."

Glancing at me over his shoulder, Gabe screams and giggles. "The new Warriors got here last week. This kind of turned into a two for one. Once it gets dark, Adira will lead a ceremony to swear them all in."

"She's exhausted. Can she handle that?" I frown.

Raising an eyebrow at me, I chuckle. "She insisted." Evan grumbles.

My daughter hasn't let motherhood change her one bit. She's an excellent Luna, better than I ever was.

Turning into the backyard, Baldric starts to wiggle, and I set him down, his little legs going as fast as they can towards Noal. "Dadda!"

Spinning on his feet, Noal runs towards Baldric and picks him up, throwing him in the air. "Did you wake up your mom? What did I say? Go play." Noal grins, putting him down and pushing him towards the other kids.

Walking towards him, Noal waves off the men he was speaking with and meets me halfway. "Did they wake her up?" He sighs.

Nodding, Noal groans and gives me quick hugs. "I'll be right back. Watch him for me, please."

Pushing him towards the house, I laugh. "Of course. Go."

Watching Noal as he retreats through the back door, I turned my attention back to Baldric. Gabe hot on his heels, Evan chasing after them. Daniel comes out of nowhere and grabs Gabe, pointing to the bounce house and saying something I can't hear.

I'm about to go after them when Xale wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Hey, mom."

Leaning my head against his chest, I slide my arm around his waist. "Where is my favorite daughter-in-law?"

Forcing me to turn around Xale waves over Imogen, who's sitting at a table with her sisters. "She wanted to talk to you about something. I'm going to go see if Evan wants any help. Is Adira coming down soon?"

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