Chapter Sixty-Nine

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The dinner table was unusually quiet. Whether it was because almost everyone was missing or because of Evan and Daniel's fight, I wasn't sure. Grabbing another roll, I dip it into the leftover chicken gravy on my plate.

Chewing and swallowing before I look around the table again. Ronan and Warren are sitting side by side at the other end of the table. Mateo and Eli across from them. Elyse, Kay, and Claire across from Evan, Xale, and I. Daniel is sitting in his usual spot, silent.

Clearing my throat, all their eyes turn to me, and I feel my cheeks heat at their attention. Avoiding their gaze, I drop my roll onto my plate. Glancing at Evan and then Claire, I swallow down my nerves. "Did May show you guys your rooms?" I ask Kay and Elyse.

Elyse nods, and Kay shrugs. "We asked to be put together. We're in the room across from you." Kay informs me.

Smiling politely, I make a mental note to thank May. "Good, I'm glad. Do you want to do anything before you go to bed? I'm sure we could find a movie or something."

"We should get our rest, and so should you." Kay raises a brow, silently judging me. I'd seen the face she made when I'd walked in reeking of sex.

I'd never been so embarrassed. It made me so uncomfortable that I couldn't even kiss Noal goodbye. Instead, I accepted a small kiss on the top of my head before scurrying off to the dinner table. I didn't want Kay to judge me any more than she already was. "I will." I mumble, lowering my gaze and picking up my plate.

Pushing my chair back, I smile to myself. Wheels grinding me across the wooden floor almost silently. I was sure it was Daniel's doing. A small gesture to try and make up for earlier. Peeking at him through my hair as I pass him, I bite my tongue.

Daniel looked miserable. His face sunken and solemn. He didn't speak or even tear his eyes from his plate during dinner. It made me feel sad for him. Although I didn't agree with what he'd done, in fact, I despised it, I couldn't help but try and see his side. I'd have done the same for Cody. I always tried to understand his reasoning for things.

Cody raised me to be understanding, to be reasonable and more mature than others my age. Maybe it was because he didn't want to deal with normal childish behaviors, but now, looking back, I appreciate and hate it.

I hated it because I couldn't stay mad, not at Daniel, not knowing why Daniel had done it. A child should be protected. I wasn't really a child anymore, but in Daniel's eyes, I might always be. Don't all parents see their children that way, even when they're adults?

Cody never treated me like anything other than his equal, a friend he protected and cared for because he was older and stronger. I wasn't used to normal family dynamics, but I'd have to learn if I ever wanted children myself.

Smiling at May, she mirrors me slightly. "You, dear, need to stop trying to put me out of work. Give me those. Go make the best of your night. I'll be sure to make your favorites tomorrow before you leave. I've already had a couple of girls bring some stuff to your room for later." Her lips tipped up she makes her way to me and takes my plate.

"Including the rest of those cookies." She whispers, winking at me before turning around.

Rolling my lips between my teeth, I stifle my laugh. "Thank you." I mumble, spinning on my heels and  creeping back into the dinningroom.

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