Chapter Seventeen

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Evan's and Phillip throw open the door and jump out first. Noal pushing me out with them before making his way to my side. Owen hanging all the bags off his arms and going into the plane. Noal shuts the door and smacks his hand on the top of the cab.

Looking at Evan I reach out for him but he shakes his head. "Get in the plane, Shorty."

Swallowing I look towards the white van driving down the landing strip. "I-i.. we all have to get in Evan. I w-wont leave with out you." I stammer.

Noal's hands pick me up and I'm tossed over his shoulder. "Evan! I swear to Goddess! Evan!" I scream, kicking my feet and pulling on Noal's shirt. My head hits the side of the plane as I thrash. Pain exploding in the back of my head shutting me up.

Throwing me down onto the couch I land with a thud. The pizza thrown into my lap. My fingers sliding to the back of my head. A damp feeling on the pads of my pointer and middle finger. I look down at my hand and see blood.

Looking up I watch as Owen tosses down the bags. Noal starring out a window on the plane.

Jumping to the other couch I clench the backing as I stare down at Phillip and Evan. The white van getting closer I spot the green car behind it Noal had pointed out earlier. Tires screeching heard even inside the metal aircraft.

My father and two men rushing out. They all shift and run towards Evan and Phillip. Loud growls heard over the green vehicle slamming on its brakes too. Alpha Anderson getting out of the front passenger seat and sitting on the hood.

My eyes flicker back and forth between Evan and my dad. Phillip shifts into a black coloured wolf, and Evan stands still in his human form. My dad leaping towards him I let out a scream and try to bolt for the door. Evan and Owen catching me in their arms, holding me back from running.

Fighting off their hands ends with me thrown back onto the couch. Looking back out the window I spot Evan still standing in his human form, his lips moving as he speaks, but I can't hear what he's saying. My dad's grey wolf circling him. Phillip fighting the two other wolves. Slapping one down and then the other before repeating.

My eyes turn to Noal and Owen, watching them look down at the fight, both their eyes golden. How could they just watch? They weren't doing anything. Phillip was their friend, Evan was mine.

"Send the girl out and this ends!" Alpha Anderson yells. His voice traveling to our ears.

Noal growls beside me and I bite down on my cheek.

They only want me. Evan wouldn't get hurt. Noal won't get hurt. Looking at Noal and Owen from the corner of my eye I take a deep breath.

Calming myself and evaluating the situation. They're bigger than me but I might be fast enough if I plan this right. I could dive low, but I'd need to time it right. Wait till they're both distracted.

Peaking back up at them I flicker my eyes between them and the fight below. Owen more on edge than Noal. His eyes glued to the fight.

Noal's eyes bounce to me every chance he gets, like he's afraid I'll disappear.

A loud cry gains my whole attention and I stare down at Phillip ripping his claws through one of the wolves side. Blood and organs spilling onto the pavement.

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