Chapter Forty

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The party was in full swing and I was sitting at the head table. Noal and Evan at my sides. I refrained from touching either of them. Still weirded out by earlier. Evan hasn't said anything about it and I didn't either. Instead I picked at my dinner. Smiling and nodding as pack members approached us, offering their congratulations and welcoming words.

Rosheen and Siobhan had worked their magic quickly. Siobhan painting my nails black to match my black long sleeve backless crop top. Rosheen having picked out my outfit and dressing me, reminding me of Noal. A yellow and green print skirt the focus of the outfit. Thankfully I'd been able to convince her into compromising on the shoes. A pair of heels not my ideal foot wear. She's almost gone ballistic when I'd suggested my Doc's. Fortunately she'd been fine with a dressier pair of sandals from Ally's closet. Swearing that stealing your mom's clothes and shoes was all apart of being a daughter.

Rubbing the fabric of my skirt between my fingers I watch as Emma, Sofia and Hailey walk our way. Peeking at Evan I watch him tense and reach out for him but stop myself. Clenching the fabric of my skirt in my fist.

Smiling politely at them Emma and Sofia sit down at our table. Hailey standing behind them, her head down. "You guys going to dance? This party is for you two isn't it?" Emma smiles at me. Glancing at Noal for a second longer than Tala likes, Emma checking him out confidently, unashamed. I have to bite my tongue.

Noal sliding his hand onto my thigh. "Jealousy looks good on you."

Scoffing, I slap his hand off me and push my chair back. "I'm going to go for a walk."

Evan and Noal's hands grab onto mine and sparks tingle throughout my body. "No." They say in unison.

Ripping my hands out of their grasp I crinkle my nose at them. "Just a walk. I'll be back."

I don't bother waiting for a response. Instead I stomp off. Passing empty tables, everyone dancing or gone. Only a few people sitting and talking across the feild. Walking towards the table filled with drinks I pick up a water and keep going. Tala huffing at me to go back. I block her out and then Evan links me. Distracting me from my surroundings. "You plan on running off invite me this time." He jokes, at least I hope it's a joke.

Someone tapping my shoulder I squeal, startled. Turning to see Hailey. She raises her hands up infront of her defensively. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay. I'm just a little..." I wave my hands around my head. "Did you need me for something?"

Shaking her head she looks down at her feet. "No. I just thought you looked like you needed someone to talk to."

Chuckling I bob my head. "Yeah, I guess I do. I just don't know who to trust."

"What if we both share. I could use someone to talk to too." She mumbles.

Opening my water I take a sip and glance around the party. Spotting Noal and Evan staring at me. I close my bottle and grab onto Hailey's hand. "Not here though. I know a spot."

The farther I get from Noal and Evan the more relaxed I feel. Their emotions dulling in my head and heart. My own thoughts and feelings taking hold. Leading Hailey through the woods she doesn't resist at all. Holding my hand back, we intertwine fingers. Finding the spot Ally showed me I drop Hailey's hand and move the branches covering the little entrance.

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