Chapter Five

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Laying in Cammy's bed I stare up at the ceiling. The sun peaking through her curtains creating a sliver of sunlight going across. I'm not used to sleeping in but apparently they are. Cammy and Claire on either side of me. Claire's arm laying on my stomach.

Faith snoring on the small bed on the floor. I feel bad it should have been me down there. They insisted I deserved the big bed though, after getting Gavin naked for Claire.

Turns out she wasn't mad he had his arm on me; I'd asked. She nudged her chin trying to tell me to go for it. Apparently their crushes really don't last long, just like Faith said.

Claire was just starting to crush on Tanner last night. With my help it's back on Gavin though. Seeing his nether regions has peaked her interest. Atleast until she "taps it" as she said.

A knock on Cammy's door pulls me from my thoughts. Tapping her shoulder I wake her. "Someone's at your door." I whisper.

Groaning she slides out of bed. Shuffling her feet to the door before swinging it wide open. "Ugh what do you want?" Cammy yawns.

Raising my head from the pillow I see a large man at her door. His shoulders as wide as the frame. His foreheads cut off, his height taller than the door. I can't tell what he looks like from where I'm laying. Cammy standing directly in my line of sight.

It's all I need to know to know he could be a threat though. Dad's taught me to be observant, and from the way his hands are balled into fists I know whoever it is, is mad.

Moving from underneath Claire's arm I sit up in the bed and scoot off. Cammy looking back at me.

"Good, you woke up my friend." She scolds.

"It's okay. I was already up." I rub my arm at my side nervously. Eying my surroundings. Looking for a way out or a weapon if needed.

"Gavin's older brother told me you're coming tonight to their party. I'm letting you know now I'll don't want to catch you near that cabin." His voice is gravely and it catches me off guard. Who is he? Why's he against her going to Gavin's party? She went to one last night, does he know?

"You're not my boss. Mom already said yes, I asked her last night." Cammy puts her hands on her hips.

Moving beside her I ready myself incase I need to protect her. She's just a human. Whoever he is, is not. The way he radiates power and control tells me he's much more than a omega too.

"I don't care what mom said. There's going to be adults there. Men, not just little boys. I don't want you there." He ducks under her door frame, moving into the room.

My eyes widen as I stare up at him. His eyes look like turquoise. His hair blonde and pushed back, long, about chin length.

When my eyes follow the strands to the end I see his jaw twitch as he looks over at me. "You either. You guys are too young." He grumbles.

"Hey! You can't tell her what to do. You're not her dad." Cammy slaps his chest.

"I-i already told Gavin I was coming." I shrug. "And I have permission from my dad." I mumble, feeling more like a child than I ever have.

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