Chapter Four

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By the time we are done getting ready it's dark out. My hair taking way longer than expected. Now fully straight it hangs almost to my knees.

Thankfully Cammy had an idea to put it in some weird style. Now my hair appears half its length. The ends clipped up underneath.

Before we left I looked in the mirror and considered just chopping my hair off. They way it looked made me feel gorgeous. I can't though, even if I really wanted too. At least until I'm eighteen what my dad says is law. That means no haircuts even if I really wanted one.

My confidence was sky high as we approached the front door of the party. Having forced myself to swallow the entire beer earlier I was definitely feeling the effects. People scattered out on the front yard and porch. I notice a few people looking over at us but advert my eyes quickly.

Faith's arm links through mine, Cammy and Claire in front of us as they argue over what we should do first. Cammy saying get a drink, Claire saying we should mingle.

Looking at Faith I roll my eyes and she giggles.

"Why don't we split up? Whoever wants to go get a drink does. Whoever wants to mingle does." Faith tries to bring them to a compromise.

Weighing my options in my head I decide on the drink. Aside from these three girls I don't know anyone here, and I barely know them. Mingling will only make it clear how out of place I am. 

"I'll go with Cammy." I raise my hand like I'm in school.

Laughing Cammy grabs my hand and pulls us away from Claire and Faith.

"Wait Faith didn't choose."

"Faith won't drink in public, won't risk it getting back to her parents." Cammy squeezes my hand as she pulls me through the open front door.

Holding on for dear life I squeeze her hand back. Following close behind her as she swerves around the house. Like a honed in missile she finds the kitchen quickly.

With her free hand I watch as she snatches two clear bottles with blue liquid. Pulling us towards another door. Chuckling to myself, I follow.

Stopping infront of the door she gestures to me and I open it. Stepping inside and staring down some basement steps. Nudging me with the bottles in her hand I walk down, holding tight onto her hand.

Why are we coming down here when everyone's upstairs?

When we get to the bottom I spot a group of seven people seated on a sectional. Gavin; the guy who's house we are at scooting forward when he sees us.

"I knew you'd be down here." Cammy jerks her chin at him with a grin on her face.

Shrugging he smirks up at her. Pulling the tray infront of him closer. I watch as he sprinkles what I'm guessing is weed onto a small rectangular paper.

Cammy pulls me towards the couch and I sit down beside her. Taking the drink from her outstretched hand. She leans into me, whispering in my ear. "It tastes better than beer."

Sighing with relief I pull my head back and we make eye contact. I guess she did notice my distaste, I must have looked like a noob. Blowing out air at the same time I put my hand to my mouth. Both of us trying not to laugh. Her at me, and me at myself. I'm such an idiot.

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