Chapter Fifty

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Ally wasn't taking it easy on me. Training with her was worse then any training I'd ever watched. Ally could go for hours and expected the same from me. Everyone else trained once a day and she dragged me to the feild four times a day. For eight hours a day she had me shifted. She'd thrown wolf after wolf at me. Sometimes multiple at the same time.

Tala was loving every second. Submitting each wolf causing a huge ego to grow inside of her. She didn't care that Ally could submit us. Tala didn't even care that I let Daniel submit us. It was unfair really. Split second visions coming to me showing me exactly what his next move would be.

I was getting visions often now. Bits and pieces of people and places I couldn't quite piece together. They were annoying more then informative. I hadn't brought them up but from the look Evan and Noal were giving me when they thought I wasn't looking they knew. The only time they were useful was when I was training. Which I guess was worth dealing with the ones I didn't understand, or think would help me.

Begrudgingly I dragged my feet back to the feild. Lunch was over, meaning training was going to pick back up. Thankfully Ally was busy. Which meant I got to run. Tala feeling both joy and sad. She loved the rush fighting gave her. I hated it. Every second I felt like crying. Hurting someone something I couldn't bring myself to do. I let Tala take control every time but I still felt, tasted and seen everything Tala did.

I'd thought of just telling everyone I was training and go to the creak and relax, but I got a vision during lunch. Gregg checking in half way and telling me Ally got him to make sure I was actually running. So now I couldn't skip it.

Huffing I dropped to the ground and kicked off my Doc's. Pulling Evan's shirt off and throwing it down beside me. I lay back and raise my hips, tugging my shorts down. Sitting up and untangling them from my ankles. Putting them on top of the shirt.

Basically naked now I adjust, kneeling and grabbing the grass in my fists. Annoyed I'm about to rip my last sports bra. I huff before linking Evan. "I'm about to wolf out of my last sports bra. So you've got two choices. One, I wear your shirts and rip them up shifting. Or two, you and Noal get over your shit and let me strip fully. This is ridiculous. We're wolves. Being naked is normal. No one cares to see me naked. You two are overreacting."

"I'll send Claire with my card to get you more. You and I both know Noal's not allowing anyone to see you like that. You might think I'm the one to ask and agree with you, but I'm not. You've got two of us, little one. I happen to agree with him. I've got to share you with him. I'm not sharing with anyone else. You're lucky were fine with boxers and a sports bra. You take those off before shifting and I'll walk through the pack naked. Go run, Adira. I'll make it up to you when you get back." He chuckles linking me back.

Rolling my eyes even though I know he couldn't see I put my walls up. Pushing Tala forward I cringe hearing fabric ripping. Stretching once I'm fully shifted. I roll my shoulders. Kicking out my hind legs. "I'll walk through the pack naked if they both don't stop overreacting." I say to Tala.

Tala laughs and leaps into the air, and we start to run. "Mates." She chuckled.

I still wasn't used to hearing her speak but thankfully she never had much to say. One word responses or mumblings were all she ever had to offer. Febris and Feronia were right. I almost hated admitting it. The more time that past the stronger Tala got. The longer I spent shifted and training was increasing how often she spoke. I wasn't sure if she was ever going to say more then one word but I was fine with it. I was used to telling how she felt by her emotions. It was nice getting a response when talking to her though.

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