Chapter Sixty-Two

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Sitting down on the front steps of Luna Margaret's mansion I lean back on my elbows. Ally, Daniel and Trevor fighting inside, I sat out here uninterested in their conversation. Ally had lied to me, tried to trap me. I lied to Daniel, Noal and Evan. I could lie to myself and say what Ally did was worse but Trevor's words were echoing in my head.

I didn't need more time to regret my actions. I'd regretted them the second I was locked in that prison. Now I was going to have to face the consequences. Lowering my walls I took a deep breath. Time to face the music. "Can you hear me?" I link Evan.

"I can hear you." Is all he replies, but I can feel the betrayal in his voice.

The sound of footsteps behind me distract me and I turn my head and smile up at Luna Margaret. "Thank you for giving the other girls somewhere they'd feel safe."

Sitting down beside my Luna Margaret peels off her neon pink heels, setting them down between us. "Do you feel like going for a run?"

Flicking my eyes to the front door I bite down on my bottom lip. Sighing as I turn back to the view infront of me. The long paved driveway and trees on either side. The leaves dancing with the wind. "I should be in there."


Shrugging, I glance over at her. Her hair perfectly straight and golden in the sunshine. The bright pink of her skirt and jacket identical. She looked as happy and cheerful as the day I met her. Yet when I thought back to that day I doubted I looked anything like the girl she'd met. Ally locking me up had changed something in me, I wasn't sure what though.

Unbuttoning her jacket she folded it in her lap. "You're hurt, and yet you want to do what you think they'd want you to do. Some would call that love. I think that's loyalty. Would you say you're a loyal person, Adira?"

Snorting I shake my head. "I've got two mates. If you asked Noal that question I don't think he'd say I was."

"Okay, the Goddesses will aside.. Other than things out of your control, would you say you make your choices based off loyalty?" Laying her folded jacket on top of her shoes she started to undo her white blouse.

Thinking over her words I chew the inside of my cheek. "I-i.. I don't think so. So far all my big decisions have been based off love."

"Love, loyalty, they come hand in hand sometimes don't they? It would be easy to confuse the two. Do you think Trevor let you out because he loves you, or because he's loyal to you?"

"I think he let me out because it was was the right thing to do."

Folding her blouse Luna Margaret smiles wide. "Ah, self righteousness. You think Trevor does things so nobody can say he's done the wrong thing."

Shaking my head I sit up straight, wiping my palms on my pant legs. "No, I didn't say that. I just think he doesn't want to live with regrets."

"And you? Do you have any regrets?" Standing, she slips out of her skirt. Staring down at me while she tilts her head.

Casting my eyes aside I scratch my back of my neck. "A few."

Tossing her skirt down beside me Luna Margaret nudges my shin with her toes, pulling my eyes back to hers. A small smirk on her lips. "You'd make an amazing Luna. Honesty is something I admire, respect, the same as loyalty. Are you sure you don't want to go run?"

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