Chapter Twenty

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If there was an award for weirdest dinner we might be doing well enough to win it. Everyone linking eachother around Evan and I. Private conversations happening, rudely keeping us out of the loop.

Evan and I should form a bond, atleast then I'd have someone to talk to while everyone else links.

I could feel the anger and sadness radiating off of the couple at the head of the table. I just couldn't tell which one felt what, or why. I hadn't thought over what to say when I'd met my parents, but a small part of me had hoped they'd be happy.

Tala seemed fine with the situation. She wasn't scared or worried so I'm trying to not let it get to me, but I was failing. I'd lost my father and now sitting with these people I didn't feel like I had them either.

Dropping my fork I layed my hand on Evan's shoulder. Leaning into his ear. "Wanna take a walk?" I whisper.

Nodding he put his fork down too and pushed his chair back. Helping me out of my chair I force a smile onto my lips. "While you guys are busy being rude, were going to take a walk." I announce.

Noal stands up, his silverware clinking onto the table. "I'll come."

"Before you go, we have rooms upstairs you all can stay in. If you'd like to stay that is. More than enough for each of you." The woman offers, something sounding alot like hope lacing her tone.

Biting my lip I glance at Evan. I wasn't sure if he'd gotten a hotel somewhere already, and I didn't want to say yes unless he was okay with it aswell.

Noal's fingers slide between mine and I peek over at him through the corner of my eye.

Thankfully Phillip answers for us. "Owen and I will bring in our bags when we're done."

"We'll only be needing two bedrooms." Evan adds.

The woman looking down at my hands intertwined with Evan on one side and Noal on the other. Her left eyebrows raising slightly before looking at Daniel with a smirk. Her eyes fog over and the glass the man had been holding shatters in his palm.

Squealing at the abrupt noise I jump back. Evan and Noal pushing me behind them. "We're going to go for that walk now." Noal announces, tugging me and Evan towards the door.

Stepping through the front door and down the steps I take a deep breath. "We should have come up with a better plan." I groan, taking my hands from the boys and rubbing at my face. Willing myself not to cry.

"We could leave. Find your father before he finds us. Kill him before he gets the chance to get to you." Noal speaks up.

My face falls at the idea. I didn't want my dad dead. I wanted him to love me. I wanted him to be the man I'd thought he was less than a week ago.

Shaking my head I undo the elastic in my hair. Pulling apart the braid and running my fingers through my hair, trying to calm myself. "No, no, we can't do that. I don't want that. He's still my dad. I still love him. I-i.. I don't know what to do. I thought coming here would be the solution but it looks like another fucking problem. I mean, come on! I thought my parents would be happy. You felt that didn't you? The anger and sadness was choking me in there. There was no relief or love or anything! I mourned my mother my whole life and now I meet her and all I get is a "I knew you weren't dead." What was that? No "I've waited for this moment my whole life". No overwhelming tangent about missing me. It's like they don't even care. Why the fuck did the Goddess let this happen to me? What did I do? First she has my dad decide nows the time to kill me, and admit he never loved me, that I was just revenge. Then sends me to my parents where I'm not loved either." I cry out.

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