Chapter Twenty-One

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Picking my jaw up off the floor I walk around the room. It was perfect, like someone had plucked each piece of furniture and accessory from my brain. Greens and cream decorating the space. My favorite colour all around the room.

From the green floral wallpaper to the cream coloured fluffy carpet. The biggest bed I'd ever seen covered in sage green silk bedding. Piles high with a mountain of pillows. A basket of throw blankets at the end of the bed beside a ottoman, a tray of candles on-top.

A walnut wooden headboard, two matching end tables on each side. A velvet lounger infront of a huge window on my left. Stacks of vintage looking books around it. My bag sitting on top of it.

My fingers hover over the wall and I turn to the right, my hand stuck to the wall. A gallery of photos is mismatch frames. Pictures of Daniel and the woman, five little boys and a picture of a baby wrapped in a pink blanket. Walnut wood letters spelling Adira woven into the gallery.

Opening a door I look inside and turn on the light. A large closet filled with clothes. Passing it I open the next door. Turning on that light too and finding the most gorgeous looking bathroom.

Marble floors and countertops. Golden hardware and pots filled with plants. The room smelled like fresh air. Taking a deep breath I bite down on the inside of my cheek.

Turning around I bump into Noal. "Looks like they love you if you ask me." He mumbles.

"How'd they do all of this so quickly?" I frown. My eyes looking passed him and back at the bedroom.

"You can get alot done when in charge of a whole pack."

"I guess so." I exhale.

Pointing my thumb over my shoulder at the massive tub, I smile. "I'm taking a bath in that tonight."

"Is that an invitation?" Noal reaches out for me.

Stepping into him I tilt my head back to stare into his eyes. The Green dancing with gold, his wolf pushing to be let loose. "You going to be able to control that wolf of yours?"

"We might need some bubbles. I'll start the bath. Go grab my bag by the door." Noal pushes passed me, walking into the bathroom.

Looking back at him over my shoulder I watch as he lifts bottles sitting around the tub and reads them. I'd been joking but apparently I shouldn't when it comes to Noal. I can't take it back now. Tala would get upset and his wolf would get angry. It's just a bath anyways.

Taking a deep breath I go get his bag. Peaking back into the closet as I pass it. I still for a moment before stepping inside. My fingers grazing the fabrics hanging along the walls.

Pulling open drawers I find more undergarments than a person would ever need in their life. Every style, colour and size imaginable.

Walking out of the closet into the bathroom Noal sitting on the edge of the tub. Removing his shirt as he kicks off his shoes. Tala starts drooling, and my own mouth starts to water.

If looks alone were all someone needed to fall in love I'd be there already. The goddess had picked well when giving him to me. The Green eyes, the brown hair and stubble, he was worth swooning over.

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